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Puget Sound Angel

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Everything posted by Puget Sound Angel

  1. Kershaw chokes away the lead. Howie wins the game with a salami. Could this get any better for Angels fans?
  2. Yes I want Maddon but is Arte gonna spring for the $5 million+ needed to sign him? It seems like clubs don't want to spend big money on managers any more what with the Analytics guys now running the show. Must be why Girardi and Showalter have still not gotten jobs.
  3. Are we not in the era now of where managers are just puppets to the GM and the Sabermetic guys? (See they Yankees). Would Joe really fit in with this world?
  4. I don't get it. For Memorial Day and the Fourth of July, MLB celebrates with special jerseys and hats to mark the holidays. Yet today for Labor Day, nothing. You would think it was just another Sunday in the long grind of a season. Ya think it has something to do with MLB's going to war with the players association over the decades? If so, that is pretty petty. Hell, even the Angels did not play Monday.
  5. If a team employee was somehow involved, this makes this the worst Angels season ever.
  6. MLB thinks this type of stunt is gonna gain younger fans?
  7. I will always love going to the ballpark. But I must admit, I can't remember the last time I watched a regular season game on TV that was not Angels related.
  8. Has that organization learned nothing after Robinson Cano?
  9. The Orioles and the Tigers killed our season.
  10. How is it everyone is willing to come up with some kinda excuse, except to say maybe the players are juiced again?
  11. If Trout is not known, it's because baseball has no clue how to market its players.
  12. The video of Skaggs and Trout at the NFC Championship game got me weepy all over again.
  13. 24 hours later and this is still difficult to process.
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