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Posts posted by TroutBaseball

  1. 42 minutes ago, Jeff Fletcher said:

    Sorry for the confusion, but the story is developing. It will say different things depending when you read it.

    After writing the initial version,  I was told by a source that the impetus for the deal is money for Ohtani. It's been continually updated throughout the day.

    at some other point I want to hear the journalistic reasoning behind updating/editing a published story instead of writing a new story.  Seems like this could lead to all kinds of #fakenews scandals if writers know they can change their articles.

  2. 5 hours ago, Inside Pitch said:

    It's not like he was a schleb either..  Taylor's career line in AAA is .313/.392/.464 over 1100+ PAs...   No idea if he's using, but his being a hitter isn't a real shock --  he put up an 894 OPS as  23 year old in his first taste of AAA and essentially kept his line within the same range from that point on.

    Kershaw last night after the game said he thought Taylor would be valuable as a utility man but NEVER thought he'd have this much pop.  We probably don't need to dive in to why his OPS in AAA might not be reliable.

  3. At one point in the game the Astros had 6 men in the outfield against Pujols. They moved 2B, SS, and 3B onto the grass.  No SS has ever played as far back as Correa against Pujols.  Fletcher pointed out that the shift forces Albert to run harder because the plays are closer.  If other teams are going to force him to run there's no way he plays out this contract.

    Does anyone know if the Angels have insurance on his contract?  If he's permanently on the DL can they recoup some cost?

  4. 10 hours ago, Stradling said:

    So it is a performance enhancer because you can concentrate better?  It doesn't actually make you a better player, just a more focused player?  Like you don't suffer from the wear and tear of fatigue?  Is that what I am hearing?

    What most baseball players use it for is to help pick up and track pitches.  It can be used as a stimulant as "greenies" were once used, to give players a pick-me-up.  It's not just a prescription medication like your average anti-biotic, the state of California considers it a tier-2 controlled substance.  Pharmacist are not allowed to fulfill prescriptions for it from outside the state.  You can get addicted to it and it has the potential for overdose.


  5. Ritalin is for sure a performance enhancer. That's why there's an illegal market for it in Silicon Valley.  A psychiatrist once told me that if his own son was good enough to play professional baseball he'd tell him to do whatever he could to get a prescription for it.  MLB gives medical exemptions for Ritalin but the number of players with those exemptions far outpaces the ratio of adults using it in the general population.  Adrian Gonzalez has publicly complained that too many players are abusing the personal exemption rules for Ritalin.

  6. 10 minutes ago, Chuckster70 said:

    His numbers aren't too bad, but it also looks like he hasn't pitched yet this season.


    I wonder if it's one of those things where he took meds to help recover for an injury but it came up as a PED?

    Like Steroids for instance is used for anti inflammatory meds to help with muscle issues.

    I love the charitable approach but these guys are given clear instructions and have help from the union when evaluating medications.

  7. I see I'm a day late to the consensus opinion. It wasn't until the second loss to TB that I was convinced it's time to sell off anybody with an expiring contract.  If anything this team is playing above expectations.

  8. 3 minutes ago, CanadianHalo said:

    Freeman would be nice!

    Atlanta plans to stick him at 3rd base when he gets off the DL. 

    He could fill our 3rd base hole next season if we don't plan on resigning Escobar. I'd use him at 1st for the rest of this season though, we can't afford to lose Escobar's bat. 

    I've heard they'd be FOOLISH to take an asset like Freeman and try to move him over to 3B. The speculation is that they are "saying" he's moving to 3B so that they can reduce the perception of urgency as they try to trade Adams away.

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