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Posts posted by Don

  1. 3 hours ago, Angels_Make_Me_Drink said:

    I think the Nats would see that offer and laugh. I think a package would have to start at Detmers and Bachman. I could be wrong I don’t know my prospects that well but Soto is one of the best young players in the game. It’s going to be a lot. 

    It’ll probably take a haul like Detmers, Bachman, Adell, Marsh. The Angels probably won’t do that, but I’d guess the Nats get a similar haul somewhere, though maybe a package loaded with more low-minors talent than the above.

  2. 1 hour ago, ThisismineScios said:

    It's ridiculous to give up on him and put him as a full time DH. He's 23. He is struggling, but even his current struggles as a hitter have him close to league average. He's hitting the ball as hard as almost anyone (EV), so some of this is just bad luck. He still has a chance to turn it around. 

    Offensively, you're right. The potential is still there. But it's becoming less and less likely that he'll ever be a competent OFer from a defensive standpoint. I mean if he's still struggling after this much time, he might be beyond helping. His issues are things most major league quality OFers have worked out late in highschool/early on in college/minors.

  3. 20 minutes ago, Jason said:

    I originally thought that but I don't think the other justices are that big of pussies to waiver in their opinions. I'm believe with this being done to influence the midterms and distract from all the other messes going on right now that would hurt the Dems. They were on track to lose big in the midterms so desperate times call for desperate measures 

    It won't be enough. I see all these people on Twitter saying the Rs just lost the midterms, and while I wish that were true, I'm pretty sure it's not.

  4. I honestly wonder if a position change would help him. The vast majority of his OF issues involve tracking/reacting to fly balls. Makes me wonder if he might end up being more passable defensively somewhere on the infield. Or if his offense improves significantly, he could just be a fulltime DH. He's getting dangerously close to bust status if this stuff doesn't get figured out though.

  5. Everything Everywhere All at Once

    I'm not sure how I feel about this movie a couple days after seeing it. It's one of the most unique movies I've ever seen. Just fucking wild. It's like everyone from Enter the Dragon, The Matrix, and Scott Pilgrim vs the World got together and did a ton of drugs then started making a movie (also, the movie Ratatouille is heavily involved in the plot as... well... somehow). I have no clue how somebody ever even managed to pitch this movie. And, with all of that said... it's freaking awesome. Insane cinematography and editing throughout, great action, a really good story, and also legitimately hilarious. 

  6. 6 hours ago, Barf said:

    The Northman

    As a lover of history, this was a fantastic movie and really stayed true to Viking lore as it were.


    Saw that last night. I thought it was good, especially from a visual/production quality perspective. Definitely a movie meant to be seen in a theater. I wasn't super impressed by the story itself. Like not bad, but also kinda simple. The entirety of the experience pushes it over the top though.

  7. Obviously this seems ridiculous at first glance. And I hope Bauer's lawyers get to eat MLB ass-first. I do have a few clarifying questions for the AW Labor Law Pro's though. Looking at you @cals

    1. Does MLB need a definitive, legally sound reason to suspend Bauer? Like are they doing this because they can interpret their code of conduct policies however they choose and basically suspend anybody they think has done something "bad" without having to legally defend that decision? Another hypothetical example being like a current player going on an expletive-laden rant about their ex-wife or something in a Youtube video. Not technically illegal or punishable, but could MLB be like, "Nah, we're suspending this asshole"?

    2. If a judge (or some similar entity) determined that Bauer was suspended not because he did anything wrong from a criminal perspective, but simply because the league found his sexual tastes to be unpalatable to their brand, could one make an argument that he was being discriminated against on the basis of sex? Like in the protected class sexual orientation sort of way. Like could being a kinky dude be part of one's orientation, and thus not discriminate-against-able?

  8. 14 hours ago, TroutField said:

    How the hell did we get Rasiel Iglesias for Noe Ramirez?? Good closers normally cost a couple top prospects… one of the better trades in recent years. 

    From what I recall the Reds were trying to get rid of every asset that might actually cost money that year. Seems like they were more motivated to get rid of Iglesias than to wait for a good haul for him. Deal looked like a steal at the time… and even more so now.

  9. Good question there. Segura is a solid pick, though I'm not sure I'd want him right now as much as I would've liked having him for the last 10 years. Greinke falls into the same category there. Ervin Santana also had a real solid 5 years or so after leaving the club. Going through more recent years though, there isn't a ton to regret. Maybe Cobb, or Maldonado (I'd still make that trade though), or some versions of Joe Smith?

  10. image.thumb.png.5181a1361755b0615ed97ae615d8524e.png

    These numbers tell a pretty interesting story. In some orgs, Ward might've been at a point after the end of last year where he stopped getting chances. And 2022 is definitely the year that he turns into a legit major leaguer or becomes AAA depth somewhere for a couple of years before he starts selling cars or something. BUT.... there's a lot of circumstance in those numbers up there. Obviously he became a different hitter in the minors once he stopped being a catcher. Ever since then, he's torched the high minors whenever he's graced them with his presence. 2018 and 2019 in the big leagues were basically cups of coffee where getting your ass handed to you is fairly common, even for players that turn out totally fine. And then 2020... I just kinda consider that a lost year for most guys from a statistical evaluation standpoint. Shit was weird for everyone, players included. So I'd really consider 2021 Ward's first "real" major league season. And while not great, it wasn't exactly terrible either. Add in the way things are trending so far this year, and I'd say he still has a real shot of being a solid major leaguer. Obviously the 1300+ OPS isn't really sustainable; but a dude that can (let's say) put up a 800 OPS, play all three outfield spots, fill in at the corners, and also function as a competent emergency third catcher will keep working at the big league level. And I think that's a reasonable projection for him over the next few years.

    Honestly the Ward narrative/statistical background kinda feels like those dudes the A's or the Dodgers always seem to find out of nowhere that are suddenly All Star level players. Ward came this close to slipping through the cracks, but I still think there's pretty solid potential there.  

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