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  1. Like
    GalericX reacted to nando714 in Of the potential wild card teams.....   
    The way we're playing we better not get too cocky
  2. Like
    GalericX reacted to Amazing Larry in I Love Stuff Like This   

  3. Like
    GalericX reacted to Brandon in Should have traded for another starter...   
    Nice win today, but I'm still not happy.

  4. Like
    GalericX reacted to jsnpritchett in Angels Acquire Huston Street   
    Can you ask Jerry to do the same in his trades?  Thanks.
  5. Like
    GalericX reacted to Turd Ferguson in Angels Acquire Huston Street   
    Did Dipoto get a mandate to win this season or else? I can't think of any other justification for this deal. We gave up less for Greinke in my opinion.
  6. Like
    GalericX reacted to tdawg87 in The Tigers have the worst fanbase in baseball   
    It's time for a rant. (Warning, long post ahead. Bring chips.)
    If you follow me on Twitter, you would know I have grown up in Red Sawx nation. So I am accustomed to being surrounded by stupidity. But I would spend every night at Fenway if it meant I never had to come in contact with another Detroit Tigers fan, in person or online. Don't get me wrong, Sawx fans are obnoxious, self-righteous, and entitled and I despise them with every fiber of my being.
    But let me make this clear: Tigers fans are the worst. Bar none. They are whiny, self-absorbed, and are possibly the most defensive fanbase in all of sports. If Freud were alive today, he would dedicate his entire life's work to the study of the inferiority complex that plagues the city of Detroit.
    Now, I know what you are thinking. "tdawg, every fanbase has their share of idiots. It isn't fair to judge an entire fanbase based on a select few." And to that I say "shut the hell up you pubish imbecile". First off, I don't know every Tigers fan in existence, that would be impossible. But I grew up in a baseball neighborhood and have met hundreds of fans (mostly Red Sox fans) in person and online. The amount of stupidity that I have endured over the years would drive most men insane. However there has been one constant through all of it: I know a lot of good, intelligent fans. Yes, I know at least a dozen Red Sox fans who are actually pretty fun to talk baseball with. One of my best friends is a Yankees fan and he is one of the most knowledgeable baseball fans I know. I work with a Phillies fan as well, and while she is a casual fan, she is still knowledgeable of the game and their farm system, as well as other players around the league.
    Admittedly, I don't personally know a fan of every team in baseball. I have however, spent a lot of time on message boards throughout the years, and blogs, and have talked with fans of every team from around the globe. I know a lot of intelligent baseball fans. Guess which fanbase has 0 of them?

    Getting warmer!
    I have never, in my 20 years of being a baseball fan, associated with an intelligent, unbiased, non-defensive Tigers fan. Once again, does that mean that the 30 or so fans I've associated with online over the past few years represent the millions of Tigers fans in the world? Yes, yes it does. With the help of HaloThunder, I have calculated that 1 online fan represents 100,000 people, give or take. So 30 x 100,000 = 3 million. That's at least 98% of their fanbase right there. Probably more if you count the hobos.
    "But tdawg, you are just being silly. Hell, the Angels have their share of stupid fans! Just look at yourself!". This is true. This team has dumbass fans out the butt. But they also have a strong, albeit small, hardcore fanbase that is highly intelligent, rational, and not incredibly buttsore over every little thing. Now, you may be asking for some "evidence". And unfortunately finding evidence of stupid Tigers fans has proven to be extremely difficult.
    Haha just kidding, it was easy as shit. From the ESPN article about the 2014 ASG comments section, may I provide you with your monthly dose of stupid:
    And my personal favorite:
    This is the type of crap I'm talking about. This garbage plagues every ESPN article, every Yahoo article, and has even gotten some shit in Deapspin as well. These people have mental deficiencies that can't be cured. But why? How did this all begin?
    Well, there's this:
    Guess who started that page? It was started shortly after the Weaver throwing at Avila incident. I mean, how childish can you get? I talked to one guy who used to love Weaver, and he said that what he did was basically attempted murder. No joke. This incident was what I believe to be the downfall of this fanbase. They went from being stupid but just kind of there, to being stupid, and annoying and whiny and the biggest bunch of crybaby man-children to ever disgrace the entire planet. The entire city of Detroit and all of their fans went full retard on that day. Now don't get me wrong, Weaver was a dick during that whole fiasco, but really now? Really?
    Then comes Trout, and Tigers' fans sphincters tightened up so much you could cut off the circulation of Adam's dick. OH NOES, a player who might dethrone their Miggy (the guy they traded for and didn't develop but act like they did) as the best in the game? The MVP debate the last few years has further shown the lack of intelligence from Detroit's fanbase. I have seen every excuse you could possibly imagine "Well Miggy went to 3rd and was selfless and it's a harder position to play than center so that's why his D isn't as good". "WAR is a completely useless stat and doesn't mean anything" (unless Verlander leads the league in WAR, of course). The list goes on.
    I could post links to forums, blogs, (I'm pretty sure there's an anti-Weaver Twitter page as well created by the special people up North). But I'll save Chuck the bandwidth.
    So there you have it. The Tigers have the dumbest, most obnoxiously ignorant fanbase in the majors. You are free to disagree, but I will leave you with one final gem before you hit that post button:
    We are living in dark times people. Dark times.
  7. Like
    GalericX reacted to AngelsLakersFan in Erick Aybar makes the All-Star team!   
    I'm surprised so many of you don't know the story behind that gif. 
    Aybar is freaking out because the umpire just missed the call at second base. JD Drew is about to hit a home run that effectively ends the Angels 2008 season.
  8. Like
    GalericX reacted to gotbeer in Angels are not on Hamels No-Trade list   
    Padres should acquire him for the LOL's.
  9. Like
    GalericX reacted to Second Base in No Participation   
    I would like to discuss the supposed lack of discussion.
  10. Like
    GalericX reacted to red321 in No Participation   
    Guys (and gals), it's pretty simple.
    If you don't like it here...leave. Seriously...leave. Don't need to make a big dramatic announcement...no need to schedule a press conference and send out a press release...just delete the bookmark and don't come back. Nobody is going to miss you.
    This look at me, I want attention bs...this mods are against me crap...you aren't the first ones who have whined about it...you won't be the last. There are plenty of people who have differing opinions on this site. There are plenty of mods who have differing opinions. If you feel picked on it's probably because you weren't loved as a child and have low self esteem...or you deserve it for starting threads like this. Nobody is out to get you...nobody is picking on you...nobody cares. If you stick around for a few months than great...if you don't...who gives a shit.
  11. Like
    GalericX reacted to TobiasFunke in You all are welcome   
    Someone's gotta go back and get a shit load of dimes!
  12. Like
    GalericX reacted to Lou in 2014 ASG Selection Thread   
    What's funny is that I don't even know why I care.
    I can't remember the last time I watched the ASG
  13. Like
    GalericX reacted to tdawg87 in AL Player of the Month for June: Mike Trout   
    I don't have street cred.
    Just this morning I went out to my car and a blind guy laughed at me.
  14. Like
    GalericX reacted to Lou in AL Player of the Month for June: Mike Trout   
    Detroit fans are pissed !!!
  15. Like
    GalericX reacted to Docwaukee in AL Player of the Month for June: Mike Trout   
  16. Like
    GalericX reacted to YouthofToday in The Texas Rangers   
    I think most don't fully appreciate how few solid defensive SS are out there that can hit.
    There are only 10 SS that have a wRC+ greater than 100 so far this season. I don't consider Hanley Ramirez or Starlin Castro as competent defensive SS so that leaves a grand total of 8.
    In an era where offense is way down Andrus is actually a top 15 SS with upside.
    The length of that deal was curious. However, as another user mentioned, if Andrus can produce at a 90 wRC+ clip here in out the contract is fine.
  17. Like
    GalericX reacted to tennischmp in The Texas Rangers   
    All the Ranger fans are gone. I thought they were on here cuz they liked the site and wanted to talk baseball. Wierd.
  18. Like
    GalericX reacted to Chuck in The Angels are on a ROLL!!!   
    Who out there is enjoying this?
    Trolls and Haters, feel free to embrace the team. I know it's like holy water on a demon, but...
    I'm loving every minute of this! 
  19. Like
    GalericX reacted to Blarg in Climbing the wall   
    It must be going well for the Angels, we are now nitpicking what Trout does.
  20. Like
    GalericX reacted to jsnpritchett in Threading the Needle at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office   
    Before the Braves came to town, the Atlanta minor league team was called the Crackers for more than 60 years.  Never heard any of the old-timers back in GA complain about it.  I always thought it was funny.  I think people are too sensitive to things like this in general.
  21. Like
    GalericX reacted to BaseballMom in Frieri postgame   
    I don't understand why everyone is blaming Frieri when someone else loaded the ****ing bases.  I am not saying that he should be the closer, but seriously....why was Cam used there?  To make a point?  
    Scioscia is an idiot
  22. Like
    GalericX reacted to Jason in Frieri postgame   
    So this means he'll be in there closing the game tomorrow so Scioscia can build his confidence
  23. Like
    GalericX reacted to jshep in Is Scioscia all there?   
    Jeff Fletcher ‏@JeffFletcherOCR Scioscia said Bedrosian was his choice because of his overall stuff and poise and the fact Indians hadn't seen him.
    I think Bedrosian is gonna be good longterm, but Bedrosian has had all the poise of a kicked puppy in high leverage spots thusfar.
  24. Like
    GalericX reacted to Chimi in Is Scioscia all there?   
    I think it's pretty obvious at this point this team needs to go in a different direction. Scioscia just does whatever he wants and hopes it works out, but his decision making went from being very good early in his managerial career to completely bad the last 4 years or so.
    Thanks for the World Series, Mike, but that was 12 years ago and it's time for a new voice.
  25. Like
    GalericX reacted to NachoPop in Lets face it   
    i do like the fact that there's been a bunch of players moving up from AAA and helping produce. Always good to have that coverage
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