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Everything posted by Agalloch

  1. Well, this is pretty much what you'd expect nowadays. They can't all be Taylor Swift and use their talent before their looks. I'm probably a little biased when I say that but most role models for kids don't come close to being as well grounded as her.
  2. Weaver is still a top 10 pitcher, if not for injuries he's be among the leaders in ERA and such still and we wouldn't even be having this discussion.
  3. Fernandez is just like "Aw yeah!".
  4. Agalloch

    Xbox One

    I think I'm going with the PS4. I have the PS2 and still enjoy using that but switched to the 360 during the next generation and somewhat regret is because I never got to play games like God Of War and Ratchet and Clank for the PS3 which is why I think I'm definitely going for the PS4, not to mention there is no way in hell I'd ever use the kinect on the Xbox one.
  5. Scioscia should go, I wouldn't be opposed to firing Dipoto but I'd like to let him have another year with a new manager and since he only has 1 year left, why not?
  6. I've always really like Marie as well but HATED Skyler with a passion.
  7. Finally caught up! Woah.....I think in the end Skyler ends up dead somehow (I hope anyway) and Walter Jr and the baby end up with Hank and Marie. Walt knows he doesn't have much left so he goes into hiding after Hank is close to having him convicted and he calls Saul's guy whom Saul suggested earlier in the season to give him a new identity. Later he goes back into town to reminisce about the past and see what has become of his former home explaining the flash forward.
  8. He's perfect for us, but we all know if Arte goes for pitching it'll either be Blanton 2.0 or signing Lincecum to a ridiculous deal.
  9. I can't stand Journey and I've always considered the Eagles average. What about The Doors? I've always considered them equal to the bands you mentioned.
  10. I agree with Black. I think he'd be great having an actual team around him plus he'd get results out of the pitchers. A guy like him could hopefully bring in a good pitching coach and we'd be golden. I'm open to a lot of the suggestions on here but Bud Black is my favorite at the moment.
  11. lol at the overreaction. Weaver may not be Kershaw or King Felix but he is certainly as ace! Still a top 10 pitcher.
  12. I can't blame him for not signing Liriano. I for one did NOT want him signing Liriano at the time as well as many others here. Then again, signing Blanton seemed just as bad at the time but it turns out Liriano was actually worth it unlike we all thought and Blanton was garbage like we all thought.
  13. Yeah, I remember hearing the same thing. Turns out the best FA we sign is the one we don't overpay for, go figure.
  14. I've loved the Wilson signing altogether. He makes a lot but is a bargain compared to other SP of his caliber on the market today. I think if we can sign someone decent in the offseason (Halladay, Hughes) and retain Vargas we got a good rotation going into next year.
  15. I haven't checked out the book, I've heard very negative things in comparison to the movies.
  16. Well good, at least now I can look forward to a rotation of Weaver, Wilson, Richards and Vargas to at least provide solid entertainment until this dreadful season is over. Williams is hit or miss, Hanson is too but he's been more miss then Williams.
  17. I just started watching last month and really regret it, I wasted all this time not watching this show! I just finished season 3 and my goal is to catch up by the time the new one airs on Sunday. Already one of my favorite shows!
  18. I'd gladly do Boujos/Cron/Kendrick/Grichuk but some team will offer more.
  19. I don't wanna trade Aybar or Frieri (especially while his stock is so down). Kendrick I'd be a little sad but it would be best and Iannetta has no purpose at this point.
  20. Frieri will be a great setup man whenever we get a real closer. I wouldn't be too upset if we traded him (mainly cause I cooled off from last night's game and didn't see today's) but we all know if he was with a good coaching staff he'd have a changeup and be borderline dominant.
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