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Everything posted by Agalloch

  1. Wow! I get out of a movie to find out Dipoto made a good trade!
  2. If only we had a guy like this on our team...
  3. Yep, bring on the NFL, NHL and NBA (even Laker games next season won't be this painful to watch).
  4. Just the pitchers alone! If we could have half of those mentioned pitchers we'd be in a much better place!
  5. At this point I'd trade everyone but Trout, Weaver, Wilson, Bourjos and Calhoun. Pujols and Hamilton are obviously staying too but blow it all up! This has been said many times and it isn't going to happen but this entire teams seems way too comfortable!
  6. This is why I wanted to keep him. If we had him in the 8th tonight then at the very worst we'd have went into extras.
  7. Which is why we need to lock him up before he realizes he's playing with a bunch of losers!
  8. I voted not because no even out org. can be that stupid, right?
  9. I don't like the move at all. Yes, he's 37 and a FA after the season but I'd have rather kept him and tried to re-sign him after the season since it's not like he's gonna command much at all. If we got someone better then I'd be cool with it but he obviously wasn't worth someone better to other teams.
  10. Pretty much any song by Kate Bush. I swear, that woman is the most talented person to walk the earth.
  11. Not unless you want someone to crap on your day every morning, it's worse then having to look at the Angels sticker on my car every morning after a loss.
  12. I've been extremely optimistic but I've officially thrown in the towel! Can't wait for some Football and Hockey so hopefully I can watch some winning sports! I'm not so confident about the Lakers but I still somehow feel more confident then I do this team winning 80 games.
  13. I'd be open to trading Kendrick but would rather not trade Aybar. Plus when we trade Kendrick we can sign Cano to a 10-year deal
  14. I was one of the few that wanted to keep Santana really bad! I figured at the time he'd be insurance for Greinke at the very worst and if we had re-signed Greinke at the time we could trade him but most wanted him gone. I'm sure we'd all love to have a rotation of Weaver/Wilson/Santana/Vargas/Hanson right now and I predicted he was gonna have a good year. I'll admit I was wrong about Haren and apparently the FO was right but still, I thought a gamble on one of them would be a good idea at the time and I preferred Santana. Hopefully this is sign to them that they need to do a better job coaching and evaluating their players.
  15. This disaster that looked like was going to happen earlier turned into a pretty decent outing for CJ.
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