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Everything posted by Agalloch

  1. Nice. Now let's get some more threads going about the rest of our players!
  2. I just vomitted a little at the thought of that.
  3. I want him to just re-sign! I feel like he's going to but you never know with him.
  4. If we're healthy I think we'll have a great season. I'm concerned about us actually staying healthy though.
  5. They'll go on another streak here soon and get close to .500 before the go on another losing streak to lower level teams and repeat the process for the entire year.
  6. Keep! He's an above average lefty and if we can sign someone else in the offseason we'll have a solid rotation.
  7. It's that damn marine layer! You'd think we'd be used to it by now...
  8. Of course! They have Weaver give up two bad luck runs then put it in rain delay.
  9. Hopefully we don't keep sucking against Garcia like always.
  10. That's scary, I've always like McCarthy and hope he gets well.
  11. Move: Signing Pujols. YES!! OH MY GOD! We got the best hitter of our generation in an Angels uniform! I can't wait for the season to start! Move: Signing Wilson Finally! I've been waiting for them to sign him since the beginning of the offseason! We have a great rotation now! Move: Trading for Greinke YEAH!! We got Greinke! But I was upset we gave up Segura. Move: Trading Santana Stupid! I wanted to keep him since our rotation was so empty and he's been so good in the past. If anything I wanted to keep him unless we could find someone better, if we did that then no Blanton. Move: Signing Blanton (Me upon waking up from a nap) WHAT!?! WHY WOULD WE SIGN JOE BLANTON? OH MY GOD!! *punches wall* Move: Dumping Haren I was mad and felt the same way about him as I did Santana. I'd rather have him over Blanton as well. Move: Trading for Hanson Nice! I've always liked him and happy we got him for such a bargain, if anything he could be a good #4 or #5 Move: Trading for Vargas Hated giving up Kendrys, but it was a solid trade for both teams and I'm happy with it. Move: Signing Hamilton (Me walking down the hallway at school) YES!!! WE WEAKENED THE ENEMY!!! Watch out AL! *runs to random guy and high fives him*
  12. Ah snap! Too bad we suck too much to take advantage of the Rangers losing Cruz.
  13. Waste of money we gave for him.
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