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Everything posted by Pbonetheman

  1. Are you sure that wasn't Madea?
  2. Yeah my brother lives in Ballard, and I have friends in the ham. Both cool spots. I can vouch for the weed, but will take your word on the heroin.
  3. Yeah, that makes sense. Right now I'm subbing for lbusd and ggusd. GGUSD just hired 40 teachers this year, all of them were subs. I have been on a few edjoin interviews, but I get the feeling I'm the token non-district employee. For the interview today, I just gave a link to my online portfolio. Congrats on the job. I've considered moving to Seattle or Bellingham. It would be nice up there.
  4. Congrats! I am going on an interview today for elementary. Happy, what does your teaching portfolio look like? Is it online or hard copy?
  5. I'm glad he didn't die. I want him to get old and washed up instead of all James Dean on us.
  6. I agree. If the angel's max offer was a laugher, why make it official? Dipoto was sure to have talked to Tanaka's agent. If Close made it clear the proposed offer was not even going to get the coversation started, then time to move on. No west coast or japanese community selling point was going to reduce the price.
  7. I thought that was dog the bounty hunter's wife
  8. Relatives can be the greatest source of FB entertainment. Especially when you can peek behind the rosy picture they like to paint.
  9. I think describing things as being "tits" is always classy.
  10. Might have to dust off those PF flyers
  11. Please clarify who would be attracted to watermelon and capable of stealing.
  12. you’re going to have to perform reverse CPR on your gadget’s orifices. Get an empty bowl and set it down next to you. ... Every time you suck in some liquid, spit it into the bowl to avoid swallowing any sort of weird mechanical chemicals. No way in hell I'm doing this if it fell in any toilet. However, it it happens to drop in trout's toilet, I will call t-dawg.
  13. The only time I sit and pee is when I think a fart is a shit.
  14. This was awesome! I wonder if there are any homeless in Pripyat, Ukraine? They might be superheroes by now.
  15. Damn! No wipe or anything. I used to work at a convenience store in my teens, and somebody shit all over the walls. Everything was covered, even the ceiling. Told the manager that scaping diarrhea walls was not in the job description. Poor guy had to suit up in a hazmat suit to clean it up.
  16. I wasn't aware a reason for hating the Red Sox was necessary.
  17. Nolan Ryan hands down. For non angels, I would go to the old kingdom a lot so I would pretend to be randy Johnson
  18. I went 110 mph on the 10 fwy before the governer kicked in. I was 19 and stupid. Never would I consider doing something like that now.
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