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Everything posted by Pbonetheman

  1. The gif with the third baseman making the tag on his balls is great.
  2. That would be like performing chest compressions on a water bed full of sewage. No thanks.
  3. Might want to rethink that no life jacket thing they got going on.
  4. And there was that time he pitched for the dodgers
  5. My brother raves about uneeda burger. I personally crave red mill burger. Five guys sucks.
  6. I thought the same thing. Those laughs he threw in for good effect seemed forced.
  7. LB gets a bad rap. People assume diversity means ghetto. However, the area I was in was actually sketchy.
  8. I was rear ended by an uninsured mexican dude (pretty sure undocumented). He told me straight up he wasn't covered and I thought I was screwed. Turns out he was coming home from his construction job and just got got paid. I followed him to his house ( a very sketchy part of LB) he got in my car and we went to an auto body place where he paid cash for my damage. It was about 500$.
  9. I'll give the drunk lady the benefit of the doubt and assume the kid was a boston fan.
  10. Maybe they found a solution to that rat problem.
  11. Cool, I just bought tickets for the LF field level. Gang Green bitches.
  12. First his wife doesn't go to SoCal with him. Then she doesn't go to the game he hit his 500th hr as she was waiting to go to NY. I hope her nails look amazing.
  13. My brother and I were going to go to that game last night for my last day in Seattle but decided not to at the last minute. Good thing, because paying to see that many games lost in a row would have been a bummer.
  14. Shoot, I'm going out right now and buying my daughter a toy gun. She will not be denied a proper youth.
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