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Vegas Halo Fan

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Everything posted by Vegas Halo Fan

  1. I believe that there is something to be said for pairing a veteran catcher with a young pitcher. Like Reveille says, ultimately it comes down to who each pitcher is most comfortable with, but initially the more experienced guy should catch the least experienced pitchers. IMO.
  2. Absolutely correct. The Supreme Court's job is to interpret a given law within the context of the Constitution. They can't change anything.
  3. This Florida alumnus is bummed tonight, seeing my team jump out like they were going to run UConn out of the building, then do nothing the rest of the way. One thing that seems to happen periodically to Billy Donovan-coached teams happened tonight: They go through long stretches without scoring - at all. A 12-point lead turned into a deficit a lot more quickly than it was built. Florida shot 39 percent from the field, and their guard play was awful. With the Gators trailing by five and needing a bucket to get back into the game, Scottie Wilbekin stood in place and dribbled the ball until a Connecticut guard stole it from him (ever hear of passing, Scottie?), ending with a layup on the other end. Florida never got close again. The Gators' outside shooters did basically nothing. This time of year, you play like this, you go home. And with four senior starters and six on the roster, I don't look to be anywhere near the Final Four next season.
  4. I have never found ADC anything but annoying. When you react to your own jokes...
  5. His schtick is tiresome enough in a comedy routine without having to listen to it every night.
  6. According to an article I read, it is about 90 feet taller than the London Eye (which I regrettably did not ride last time I was in London).
  7. I have had him on fantasy teams several times. Neither of the teams I have are in keeper leagues, so it's a new bunch every year.
  8. Given the era that this would have happened in, had he actually called a shot, the next pitch would have been head high and inside.
  9. Dave Dravecky had something similar which caused him to fracture his pitching arm, which was eventually amputated.
  10. Unfortunately, this is true. That was my first thought when I heard about this.
  11. Flying into San Francisco on Asiana and hearing that your crew is Sum Ting Wong, Wi Tu Lo, Ho Lee Fuk and Bang Ding Ow.
  12. Weird again today in Vegas, High in the low 50s, windy, scattered rain all afternoon. Was 41 when I left for work this morning.
  13. I had some issues earlier with icons loading and going from one forum to another.
  14. Being the press secretary for the Prime Minister of Malaysia, in charge of briefing the press every day on the "progress" of finding the missing Malaysian airliner.
  15. Prices seem a little high: $25 for daytime, $35 at night (Comparison: It cost about $9 to go to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris). I have a feeling they will drop the prices at some point and maybe offer a locals discount. Before that, I will just go to the top of the Stratosphere Tower for a fraction of the price for a much better view.
  16. I'm nowhere near panic mode, but I was hoping that it would be well after the opening series before we would be discussing avoiding a sweep, especially at home.
  17. It's just that Butcher gives them such intense preparation that it takes until they leave to finally sink in. It's a gift.
  18. Must have some history with the Rockies or D-Backs. I was hoping to claim Marcia Brady off waivers personally.
  19. None here. Wife is a Yankee fan, and she always seems to run into that one idiot at Anaheim who wants to talk smack after the game, has really soured her on the whole idea.
  20. Late last week ESPN discussed the case of two University of North Carolina athletes who borrowed a car to take a short trip. Had the two stolen the car, it would have been an internal matter for the university and there would have been no investigation. Since the car was borrowed, now there has to be an investigation into whether this constitutes an illegal benefit. Any system that punishes borrowing more than stealing is too corrupt to exist.
  21. When I saw the headline, I envisioned something about a Jeff Mathis Tribute Night.
  22. Funny that W could never seem to figure this out. The company line was that the Iraqi people would rush to embrace American-style democracy once we "liberated" them. Bush seemed totally stunned (I wasn't) when every suppressed faction throughout Iraq rushed to try to fill the void once Saddam Hussein was removed. We spent trillions of dollars and spilled an uncountable amount of American blood to essentially return Iraq to a tribal society. Yes, there is a central government, but how much control do they really have? From all accounts I have read, the daily lives of most Iraqis are far worse than they were before we showed up.
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