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Posts posted by Jobu

  1. 5 hours ago, ten ocho recon scout said:

    I was just thinking about hud the other day. He was fun (and easy) to make fun of. But looking back, he was super passionate about the team (in not a real homer way), and always seemed like he was good to the fans.

    He was super passionate about flyballs to shallow left field, giving them the same enthusiasm he would for a no-doubter homerun.


    My favorite Steve / Rex interaction was when Steve would talk about Ichiro's combined NPB/MLB hit total. It would drive Rex (461 career hits) up the wall. "YOU CAN'T DO THAT!!!! COMPLETELY DIFFERENT LEAGUE!!!!!"

  2. 2 minutes ago, Taylor said:

    The excitement surrounding this offseason also reminds me of the months leading up to the 1082 season. The Angels had managed to barter their way to obtain Shibolet Oxtani, the South American nemesis who could simultaneously hit, pitch, and skin a goat. They negotiated with his former team and ended up sending over a package that included 13 royal-blooded virgins and $1.7M worth of gold to obtain him. It was also potentially the last year for Mikkus Soshales, who had served as Head Chief of the team for five decades, and annoyed fans with the same response after every loss: "Turn the stone."  



  3. 24 minutes ago, Stradling said:

    And the owners chose to sign players like Pujols and Hamilton to those contracts knowing the risk. 

    Yeah I'm not buying this idea that owners and management have suddenly figured out that paying high salaries for decline years is bad business. The Passan article I linked 83 hot takes ago makes the point that the owners have been successful in making putting out a shitty product part of a "winning strategy". So now fans don't completely abandon ship because "hey, look at the Cubs and Astros and Royals."

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