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Everything posted by Vladfan

  1. Saw it the other day......I enjoyed it a lot. I'd give it a B+
  2. Keep Jordan. He is young and can run the court extremely well for a big man. Great athleticism. Garrnett is to old and injury prone IMO.
  3. DR.....I had some dreams after my wife passed also. We were in a mountain restaurant and my wife got up to use the bathroom. The bathroom was down a hallway so I watched here walk away. I waited a few minutes and the I heard a commotion down that hallway. After several minutes went by I got up and asked the bartender where my wife was and what the commotion was. He said that some guys had come and taken my wife away. I became very panicked at that point. I used my phone to call the police for help. Just then my second line rang and it was my wife and she proceeded to tell me.........that she couldn't be there anymore. It was to hard and to much to handle. She said that she loved me but it was time for her to go. I woke up and surprisingly remembered so much about that dream but wasn't sure how to analyze it. I came to the conclusion that she was just saying how tired and broken she was from all the treatment from her cancer. It had been a long hard battle and she was done and was at peace with letting go so me and the kids didn't have to see her go through anymore pain and suffering. I'm grateful for that dream so I could begin to heal myself. There have been other dreams but none as clear as that one. Stay strong DR. It can be a rough road at times but It will get better. You are still in the baby stages of you grief. I always enjoy reading your shenanigans posts. I can relate to a lot of things you write about.
  4. Haha...... Trumbo isn't that good!!! Good one. No really.... Good one.
  5. Trout is toolsy....... He should be at the leadoff hitter.
  6. Every time he pitches we can't get a hit. Great game Blanton..... Again!
  7. This topic has been pretty not existent during the current streak. Amazing!
  8. I actually hate the term "get over it" and correct people all the time. I will never "get over" my wife's passing. I will move forward.... That's a better term. I still grieve everyday and will continue to for the rest of my life.
  9. I was there during the renovations at Dodger Stadium this last off season and believe me.... It can be done.
  10. Yes..... I took almost 2 months after my wife passes away.
  11. He actually pitched very well. Tip of the hat to you Joe.
  12. I didn't lose my brother but I did lose my wife 2-1/2 years ago. Going back to work didn't help anything. The grief was overwhelming at times and made it hard to focus. I would go to work and come home and say to myself..... What did I do all day? I'm sorry for his loss and hope for nothing but the best for him.
  13. Yep........but after the last week and a half of play since then......it would be worse.
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