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Everything posted by Vladfan

  1. I'm sure that Sosh should be still be fired!!
  2. Between $105-$110 per fill up. I usually fill up two or three times a week.
  3. Look... You or nobody else on this board will convince me that Sosh is the problem here. The players have a responsibility to execute on the field and the manager has to manage the situations during the game. These are not little kids that need him to hold their hands before, during and after a game. He is putting the players on the field, that Dipoto gave him, to play the game and give him the best chance to win. Not his fault if they can't execute.
  4. Absolutely!!! I never mentioned anything about Dipotos role in this. Sosh is putting the players on the field that he is given. Was it the managers fault last night?? No... He put his best player for that situation.
  5. Once again..... It's the players that are failing...... Not Scioscia. Let this go already.
  6. http://youtu.be/3_ifTNQAb0Y The best version I have heard of Hallelujah.
  7. I just threw up a little in my mouth!!!
  8. I'm talking about the baseball guys who are in the trenches with him day in and day out. The myopic nutswingers are the ones that think that he is unable to manage this team anymore. The players are to blame here.... Not MS.
  9. Wrong. If this were the case then why do people who are in the baseball world say otherwise? He will stay.
  10. My bosses son.... http://www.conquestchronicles.com/2013/7/2/4485132/usc-lands-quarterback-chris-willson
  11. There is always the "what if factor" in sports. We and he need to live with those decisions. IMO.
  12. Keep it up the good work in the gym DR. I put on a few lbs after my wife passed. I was feeling down and so I would go to Buffalo Wild Wings to eat and watch sports on their many TV's. I was in a bad way and then something clicked for me and I lost 55lbs. I'm not a big guy and I let myself balloon up to 205lbs. I felt gross. I feel great now and have been able to keep the weight off.
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