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Everything posted by eligrba

  1. I agree. Happy Birthday, Mr. Lou.
  2. Would having Mike watch your place in line be considered platooning?
  3. Thanks Dave, for a great article and perspective. Well done.
  4. Good thing the Yankees still have the ESPN hype machine remote control. I would hate to see what this would look like without some interference. Hmmmmm, I wonder if anything interesting is happening on the west coast?
  5. Are other teams experiencing the "forearm tightness" problems that the Angels are having? This seems more than just bad luck.
  6. Not sure I like Bridewell as a bullpen answer.
  7. I supported this trade from the very beginning.
  8. Ohtani makes it easy to cheer for him, regardless of the uniform he wears.
  9. If he does less at the plate, Scioscia will need to start batting him at the clean up position.
  10. Need Power Ball numbers for investment purposes only.....Any numbers come to mind that you want to share?
  11. According to Kapler, it was a "miscommunication between the dugout and the bullpen." The worst part of this situation is his response. Whether he was completely at fault or not, simply stating "I alone own the problem" would have been a better conclusion. This could be an ugly season in Philadelphia.
  12. I do not understand how Eppler knew these things about Maldonado if he was mostly used a backup catcher. Did other teams miss this about Maldonado or ignore it?
  13. Plan to listen to the game in the high desert. Go Halos. Try not to screw up April.
  14. Would be even more amazing if Dipoto traded Heredia and made it a regular occurrence. Don't forget about the Mariner's new center fielder that will anchor the outfield.
  15. It would be smart for Scioscia to extend Eppler.
  16. I like the protective gear that was provided to the grounds crew for dealing with the sewage. Great thinking in spreading the sewage out in as large an area as possible instead of trying to contain it. The Dodgers will probably just Frebreeze the field and call it good.
  17. The only thing for Dipoto to do now, would be to trade away all minor league talent worth having for mediocre players on the decline.
  18. I completely forgot about this trade. Thanks for the memories.
  19. Maybe if he started his delivery by simply going to a set position instead of all of the Parkinson-like tremors to be more centered, in the zone, focused, at peace, zenified? or.....had better movement and location with his pitches.
  20. That is a much different swing than what I saw last night at the game. Here he is balanced. using his lower half while keeping his front side closed through the hitting zone.
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