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    Angels#1Fan reacted to halosfan1970 in Freese Signs With Pirates 1 Year 3 Million   
    How do you know Freese was willing to accept a one-year $3m contract back in December when the Escobar trade occurred? Realistically, he wasn't. Freese's agent was still looking for something more like 3/30 back then. 
  2. Like
    Angels#1Fan reacted to Robrock30 in Angels @ Dodgers 3/11 12:05   
    Just like old times!
  3. Like
    Angels#1Fan reacted to Stradling in $18m Batting Practice Pitcher   
    There is a difference between understanding where he is in his career and being shitty. Some people on here cross the line to being shitty. Granted that is just my opinion.
  4. Like
    Angels#1Fan reacted to ten ocho recon scout in $18m Batting Practice Pitcher   
    Erstad grit makes a good point, and ive said it on here before. This is the reason athletes shouldnt be slammed when they leave town for the best money. The reality is their careers are generally a lot shorter than most realize, and when its done its done. And the fans arent generally forgiving when it happens...amd also as ive said on here before, more people read these boards than the regular poster is aware of...
    Weave is done. He might have something left every now and then, but the overall of it is that hes probably at best a 6th starter now.
    But he deserves a pass from angel fans. He took less money to sign here from the draft, shunning boras, and took less money to stay, again shunning boras. And he did it in stride...from his mouth he was glad to do it to bring in guys like pujols. Regardless of how that worked out, you dont see many guys do that.
    Weaves been one of the best to ever wear this teams uniform. He was a beast when he was on top, and he was the head of the clubhouse for years. The adenheart stuff is very genuine. Hes been a very solid team guy. Again, he deserves slack now thats hes faded.
    Hes a good guy in person too...
  5. Like
    Angels#1Fan got a reaction from wopphil in $18m Batting Practice Pitcher   
    After all that Weaver has given to the Angels, I'd think that he at the very least deserves to go through spring training before all of the vultures start circling him. I mean really guys, he's pitched what, 4 or 5 innings so far? Good grief! 
  6. Like
    Angels#1Fan got a reaction from Erstad Grit in $18m Batting Practice Pitcher   
    After all that Weaver has given to the Angels, I'd think that he at the very least deserves to go through spring training before all of the vultures start circling him. I mean really guys, he's pitched what, 4 or 5 innings so far? Good grief! 
  7. Like
    Angels#1Fan got a reaction from stormngt in $18m Batting Practice Pitcher   
    After all that Weaver has given to the Angels, I'd think that he at the very least deserves to go through spring training before all of the vultures start circling him. I mean really guys, he's pitched what, 4 or 5 innings so far? Good grief! 
  8. Like
    Angels#1Fan reacted to Stradling in $18m Batting Practice Pitcher   
    The way I see it is there are guys that should be free of harsh criticism, Weaver is that kind of guy. It's obvious his stuff is gone, but he's had a top 3 career for an Angel starting pitcher. He's also signed a team friendly deal. He's had a great career and probably deserves credit.
  9. Like
    Angels#1Fan got a reaction from OregonLAA in Trump is gonna win this thing   
    What's even more alarming is that the Republican voters can't wait to vote for him..that's scary!
  10. Like
    Angels#1Fan got a reaction from Chuck in Please Trout, not more steal attempts, ouch!!!   
    I would feel better about Trout stealing more this year if he went in feet first. Though I must admit it was fun watching him steal the first two seasons.
  11. Like
    Angels#1Fan reacted to red321 in Trump is gonna win this thing   
    Yesterday in general was just absolutely surreal. You had the 2012 nominee basically tape a commercial for the Democrats that will run on a loop over and over between now and November...literally called him a fraud, con artist, danger to the country, to the world, the Republican party, etc. 
    (edit: and in response Trump suggested Romney would have blew him if asked to get his endorsement 4 years prior)
    You then had a debate where the official Republican TV channel had the specific goal to take down the likely nominee...hell...they had friggen slides! Donnie...tell me about your fraudulent school.....bwhahahah...let's go to my 5 slide long deck highlighting how crappy your school was. The only thing missing was a laser pointer and zippy special effects.
    You had the candidates on stage resort to school yard taunts...including mocking "breath...breath"...liar liar pants on fire...yelling at each other...and if you listen close enough you might even hear a "wanna take this outside".
    The audience was right out of a WWE raw show...egging it up behind the camera, shouting, booing...did the John 3:16 guy show up behind Megyn Kelly?
    and then...and this is the most awesome thing I can imagine...you had the leading candidate for the nomination get on stage and assure everyone he had a big dick...I'm somewhat shocked he didn't grab his package or whip it out. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if it did happen...or at a minimum he comes on stage in a banana hammock. If he doesn't have his wife or some former girlfriends come on stage and confirm the size of his johnson...it's most likely because he's short stacked.
    But probably the most surreal part of it all...at the end of the night...they all agreed that even if Trump is a fraudulant small dicked lying secret liberal clinton supporting bullying con man...they would all support him for president.
    (oh, and according to Bobby Jindal...it's all Obama's fault)
  12. Like
    Angels#1Fan got a reaction from Vegas Halo Fan in Trump is gonna win this thing   
    I don't think it's a theory at all.
    It's very clear the GOP establishment wants Trump out and they are willing to even throw their voters under the bus to do it!
    If they can stop Trump from getting to 1237 they can do what ever they want at the convention.
    I've never seen anything like this..it's great entertainment watching the Republicans self destruct.
  13. Like
    Angels#1Fan got a reaction from Vegas Halo Fan in Trump is gonna win this thing   
    This is all about the Republican political machine trying to dictate to the voters!
    It's just the beginning, the GOP wants Trump out not because they don't like him. They want him out because they don't think he can win in Nov. and they are desperate. I'd be willing to bet dollars to donuts that the GOP wanted Romney to do this, in fact they probably put him up to it.
    If Trump were leading Clinton in the polls and was expected to win the WH they wouldn't be saying anything!
    I find it very entertaining watching the Republicans eating their own.
  14. Like
    Angels#1Fan got a reaction from Billy_Ball in Greetings from khrulz   
    Well done Chuck!
    If history is any indication he'll be back with another profile but he's easy to spot.
  15. Like
    Angels#1Fan reacted to red321 in Politics or Racism?   
    You can't deny that the vitrial aimed at this president is significantly greater than in the past. This idea that Obama is unamerican, unpatriotic, etc. Personally, I think it's more politics than race, but that doesn't mean I don't think race has contributed some to it. When you have a white southern congressman shouting "you lie" at a black president in the state of the union...hard not to get that impression. Think back to the 2012 Republican convention where an old white man was yelling at an empty chair...fantasizing that he was verbally beating down the president...and the gathered crowd ate it up. Those are harsh visuals.
    But I think it has more to do with there is no longer a conservative movement. The Republican party and conservative movement has morphed in to the Anti-Democrat/Liberal party. There are no real ideas being submitted anymore, it really has become whatever Obama or the Democrats want, we hate. When Clinton was in office, there was the same line being pushed...he was unpresidential, there was a scandal behind every door. Hell, they made the decision to impeach Clinton because they had the numbers and then waited for an excuse.
    Bob Barr wrote a book that argued for the impeachment of President Bill Clinton before anyone ever had heard of Monica Lewinsky. In fact, in 1994, when Newt Gingrich led the Republicans to their first majority in the House of Representatives since 1946, it became an article of faith among the Republican leaders in the House that they would impeach Clinton over something—over Whitewater, or Travelgate, or Filegate, or the Rose Law Firm Billing records—simply because they had the votes to do it.
    There are no longer policy agreements...but rather the idea that the other side is illegitimate. Anything they do you don't like is unconstitutional. That your opponents hate America, and the American way of life. And seriously, don't give them this Both Sides Do it Crap...because yes, you can find examples of people on the left doing the same thing...but for the most part those people aren't candidates for president...elected to congress...in positions of power.
  16. Like
    Angels#1Fan reacted to NJHalo in Trump is gonna win this thing   
    If the GOP does not want to back Trump, why did they make him pledge his allegiance to them earlier on? What a bunch of A-holes.
  17. Like
    Angels#1Fan reacted to Chuck in Greetings from khrulz   
    Nah, I saved us all the grief and banned him now. I trust all of your opinions on the guy.
  18. Like
    Angels#1Fan reacted to Billy_Ball in Gameday Thread: Angels vs. Giants - THE FIRST SPRING TRAINING GAME OF 2016   
    This wasn't the regular lineup today.  No Trout, Albert, Simmons, Cahoun, Escobar, etc..
    No worries.
  19. Like
    Angels#1Fan got a reaction from daygloman in New to the AngelsWin.com Community? Introduce yourself here!   
    Come join the rest of us refuges from the now defunct Angel board. 
  20. Like
    Angels#1Fan reacted to daygloman in Gameday Thread: Angels vs. Giants - THE FIRST SPRING TRAINING GAME OF 2016   
    Thanks. Bummer outcome today, but really glad to see Angels baseball again!
    Suddenly, the grass is greener, & the sky is bluer!!!!!
    Life rocks again!
  21. Like
    Angels#1Fan reacted to Chuck in Gameday Thread: Angels vs. Giants - THE FIRST SPRING TRAINING GAME OF 2016   
    Agreed! I really do not take W/L's seriously in spring training. I just want to see successes, growth and there's nothing more exciting than watching a few players battle it out for a few spots. 
  22. Like
    Angels#1Fan got a reaction from seenoevil in Mike Trout Ranked 1st in the MLB Network's "Top 100 Players Right Now!   
    Trout is the man!
  23. Like
    Angels#1Fan got a reaction from Angel Oracle in Sell me on the new season   
    This a good point because the bullpen is where games are won now days.
    Just look at 2002 we had a killer pen.
  24. Like
    Angels#1Fan reacted to Angel Oracle in Orange County Register: After a year of adjustment, Angels' Roberto Baldoquin 'a completely different player'   
    If he continues to flop, fire the scout who found him, and hire back the one who found Mike Trout.
  25. Like
    Angels#1Fan got a reaction from seenoevil in Sell me on the new season   
    I think the starting rotation has major question marks.
    1.Jered Weaver has to either find a few mph on his fastball or learn to pitch with a 83 mph heater which I don't think is possible in the big leagues unless you throw a knuckleball.
    2.Hector Santiago was Jekyll and Hyde last year and had no consistency from the first half of the season to the second half. Who will show up for 2016? First half Santiago or Second half Santiago?
    3.Tyler Skaggs simply can't be counted on for the entire 2016 season. To begin with he's going to be on a serious pitch count and at best will start the season in the bullpen, or at worst he'll start at AAA. If everything goes perfect for him he'll still be limited. When was the last time something went perfect? 
    4.Matt Shoemaker was great in 2014, he might have actually saved the Angels season. In 2015 he stunk. So was Shoemaker a one year wonder that is destine to return to the minors or can he find the magic he had two years ago?
    5.C.J. Wilson is the second Angel starter to be coming off of surgery. Can he rebound? Will he be able to start the season in the rotation? And if he does will he be pain free and effective? Who knows.
    6.Andrew Heaney looks good but he had a small sample of the big leagues last year while pitching only 105 innings. Can he pitch in the neighborhood of 200 innings this year? Hope so because he's going to have to if the Angels are going to challenge.
    7.Nick Tropeano looks good also but he's only pitched 59 innings combined the last two years with 32 of those coming last year. He's very inexperienced and may or may not be in the rotation. Given that we have a couple of guys coming off of surgery and Shoemaker being a question mark I expect Tropeano to get more work this year.
    8.Garrett Richards is going to be our ace going forward. If he's really an ace or not is yet to be proven but he's going to be our number one regardless because Weaver is in the process of falling off the face of the earth unless a miracle occurs.
    So as I see the rotation there are 5 big question marks out of the 8 potential starters and frankly they are big question marks that only time can answer. The Angels are going to need some old fashion luck. It doesn't mean that some of these guys won't be able to bounce back (some will) but to expect all of them to perform up to expectations is just asking for disappointment because only in a best case senario will that happen.   
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