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John Stellman

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Everything posted by John Stellman

  1. John Andre, Pidge Browne, Buzz Clarkson, Hy Cohen, John Hricinak, George Piktuzis, Pete Spasoff and Don Swanson were major contributors to that juggernaut. Are any of them still around???
  2. If he couldn't stick with the terribly weak, offensively awful Twins, why would the Angels want him?
  3. Just what Arte needs. Another $55M in payroll.
  4. Oops! Matt Shoemaker (6 IP, 6 H, 1 ER, 1 BB, 7 KO, ND), Tim LIncecum (6 IP, 4 H, 1 ER. 2 KO, 2 BB, W) and Jered Weaver (9 IP, 3 H, 0 ER, 1 BB, 1 KO, W) dominated the A's in convincing fashion, Shoemaker has rediscovered 2014. His ERA over his last 6 starts is 1.83. Now Lincecum and Weaver have to build on the momentum with consistent efforts to get this pitching staff back on track.
  5. Tim Lincecum's 6 inning, 4 hit, 1 run performance was a real shot in the arm for the Angels ailing pitching staff. I suppose you could say that it was exactly what the doctor ordered. The right cure for the painful ailment. Now, let the healing process begin!
  6. This is the Battle For The Basement. The A's celebrated like they just won the seventh game of the World Series
  7. So who do the Angels give up in this deal? Never mind. Michael Saunders is still an upgrade.
  8. Shoemaker vs Graveman. Deadly match up here.. Lincecum vs the always scary TBA. Huh? Weaver vs Surkamp. Who? A's will probably sweep!
  9. Looks like the Angels have started to resurrect baseball's worst farm system.
  10. We're witnessing the rebirth of Colby Lewis right before our very eyes.
  11. The Angels already have 10 starting pitchers. So what would they do with Cueto?
  12. Houston, Seattle and Texas have got to be tied at No. 1!
  13. How about two teams of blind folded pitchers throwing at each other? The team with the most "hits" wins!
  14. The Angel have already sold enough season tickets to guarantee another 3+M in attendance. So there goes Arte, laughing his way all the way to the bank.
  15. Harper can't even put up respectable numbers on a good team..His sagging statistics would cave if played for the Angels. And Trout's numbers with the Nationals would be astronomical. Like out of sight!
  16. Angels have to go at least 4-2 on the road and 5-2 at home against against these bums.
  17. Keep me informed. Let me know where all those guys are 3 (or maybe 5) years from now. By then we should know how good or bad this draft was.
  18. So what's your point? You want to trade Trout for a boatload of prospects? That's NEVER going to happen! So just turn the page and get on with your life.
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