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Everything posted by Kevin

  1. Cory, I don't get your logic. The cards screwed over a team that had guys you kinda liked but you're ok with boston winning it even though they've screwed the team you love more often than not. Just seems confusing to me I guess. To each their own.
  2. Pretty sure the conservatives have already mentioned the idiocy of the two parties when it comes to spending. Same with the liberals. Solid post overall though....
  3. 2000 through 2003 was just brutal for them.
  4. Yeah I'm pulling for them. Since 2000 though, they haven't been exactly clutch when it comes to this situation. Tuesday once again proved that. We'll see about tonight.
  5. I might need to refresh my memory but I nevertheless Joyner said he started to take them and then felt bad. He said he flushed the rest down the toilet. Definitely took them but not a rampant user supposedly.
  6. Tyler Chatwood is possibly someone else that is doing well with a new team. All in all though, it doesn't make sense to get rid of the hitting coach when it's the pitching that has been struggling.
  7. The A's don't have a good history when it comes to this situation of closing a series out. 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2012. Really pulling for them but they don't make it easy.
  8. The worst part of this is now I feel like I have to root against the Pirates. The Cards might be the best bet to stopping the gang bangers
  9. Usually I would feel that notifying the authorities would be the right thing to do. But I'm really interested to see what happens on October 30th.
  10. Yeah these 4 are the only Islamic terrorists I've heard of and it's just an isolated incident. On a serious note, I agree that it is a small percentage. Unfortunately a small percentage still equals millions if not tens of millions of people. Fortunately a good portion don't have the means to carry out their hate or only inspire others to.
  11. I'm pretty sure the cops didn't know if she was armed while the incident was happening in real time. Easy to be critical after the fact. Not so much during.
  12. First 9 or 10 years was great. Coincidentally, when Phil Hartman died, it seemed the show started going down hill.
  13. Pretty sure the thread asked for least favorite fans. Not the fans that make you fear for your life. A different type of description in my opinion.
  14. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Just surprised Red Sox fans aren't leading. Especially the bandwagon Red Soxs nation type.
  15. Please let me know if anyone said they played well in a 4 error game like Sosh sugar coated the entire series. You obviously didn't get the point of the post.
  16. We all knew the contract was horrible. What most were happy about was that they could get two to three good years out of him. Maybe a World series. We got a decent but not Pujols type of season out of him. This season.....well. He's got possibly 1 to 2 seasons where he might have potential.
  17. The Sosh quote I'm referring to was in the "thanks for being the Rangers doormat, Angels." Thought it was this thread.
  18. I'll give Sosh the benefit of the doubt for 2010 and 2011. Those teams just weren't good (although I'm sure he made some piss poor decisions during those years too). Not so much 2012 and 2013. When I see a quote like that from him, it just shows how delusional he is. Especially where the team was coming off a five error game. Without throwing a tantrum or going on a rant, just call it like it is. They played like crap so just say it or don't say anything at all. If he's going to sugarcoat a horrible series and season, it sends a strong message that these types of things are acceptable. That's how I perceive it at least.
  19. I believe Rally needs to post a video of the 2011 world series. How about Game 6 videos grigori?
  20. There are very few Giant fans that are Raider fans. So they can't blame their actions on being a fan of a crappy organization.
  21. Pretty sad you can go to a baseball game these days and possibly never come home.
  22. The island off newport isn't available. However, a recently new island has emerged in Pakistan that is a possible option.
  23. Easy solution rally. Tip off the terrorists that cats can't recite a muslim prayer. Should take care of that problem.
  24. Congrats to more muslim terrorists making international news, once again.
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