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Everything posted by Kevin

  1. Our government is in need of a major overhaul. At least none of ue have disappeared for criticizing the government though so there is that.
  2. Oh I know and that's why I mentioned the academy weeding others out. Also it is not some algebra crap. We are talking simple addition, subtraction, etc.
  3. Poozy I already said there are really good cops and I acknowledged there are a ton of bad ones. Of course it comes down to being a decent human being but the tests aren't stupid. I don't want to over generalize but I don't know if a guy should be given a gun and badge when they struggle with basic math skills. I'm not saying they can't be good cops but I think you can understand why I would be hesitant.
  4. There are some really great cops out there that understand community policing. Not creating a "us against them" type of environment. " Unfortunately a lot of cops just don't understand or don't care about community policing and go against everything a cop should be. I'm not saying you should be a rocket scientist to become a cop but because the standards are so low to become one, you are more than likely to get the bottom of the barrel. You guys should google NPOST test questions. These questions are made of basic math, writing, spelling, and grammar. There are three different tests (test A, B, and C) just in case you don't pass the first and second time. The only penalty is you have to wait a certain period of time if you don't pass before you can retake it. Not to unfairly judge some people but when I took it there were people who were taking test B and even some who were taking test C because they hadn't passed the first time. This is the test that will allow you to apply for police departments. Obviously from there it gets tougher and they weed some people out but there are cops out there that have taken the NPOST a couple of times or barely passed it. I wouldn't be surprised if the cops in these stories are some of them.
  5. I know of a painting Jeter would be willing to donate.
  6. Mota madness must be a very unhappy person.
  7. Anyone seen the Riverside County: The Land of Heroes thread? It was last seen yesterday at 9:43 A.M. following a normal flight path before disappearing. A man from Wisconsin may be a subject of interest.
  8. What are you guys talking about? There has never been a heterosexual pedo.... I really think Bakunin is trolling at this point. He went from an extreme leftist to failing off a cliff on the right.
  9. Oh I know Rally. Even though it was a sarcastic comment, I made sure to throw in the "as of right now." Having said that, a complete overhaul should not have meant those with existing coverage being affected so badly.
  10. I'm glad we got a healthcare system (as of right now) that is superior to our old one...... Thanks EU for showing us how it's done properly.
  11. Minnesota won't back down and continues to stay one point behind the Kings with their own five game winning streak.
  12. Well talk about your day being ruined.
  13. Red Sox fans and people that have no connection with Boston that are Red Sox fans.
  14. Plenty of people on this board have commented on suspected ped use by Ortiz. Maybe you don't remember or weren't here.
  15. Yeah first degree murder didn't fit. If they tried to go for it and got it, it would be screwing up the system that everyone is already saying is screwed up. No need to make a further joke of it.
  16. Nbc is sad there isn't audio to mess with and race bait this time.
  17. How about the producers at NBC who messed with the 911 tape get into the ring with Dmx after he destroys George. They played a huge role in this whole thing when it came to race relations.
  18. They'll be lucky to get 10 points tonight.
  19. If this was hockey and it was the kings down 2-0, the game would be over.
  20. What were the odds that the first play resulted in a safety?
  21. Joe Namath's coat and coin flip were pretty bad.
  22. Didn't know he was an addict. I'm indifferent to drug legalization but I know the consequences just aren't worth it in my opinion. Rest in peace. Great actor with amazing talent. What a waste. Great in Cold Mountain as the priest.
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