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Everything posted by Kevin

  1. Does this count as a war on women?
  2. I know. I was being sarcastic.
  3. I don't understand why you think it is getting ridiculous. It's not like Arch staton said innocent people should get hit by stray bullets because they have a different opinion than him. Maybe we are no better than the shitty cops out there. Btw, I know arch isn't serious but I find it interesting that no one said anything about his post.
  4. If Al ever becomes president, he'll give W a run for his money when it comes to pronunciation.
  5. Does The triple by Trout count as clutch? Semi serious question.
  6. I wasn't being serious. It was more of a slam against Ian.
  7. I would walk Albert and Howie just to get to Stewart if I were the Yankees.
  8. The Angels are a very generous team when it comes to helping a pitcher achieve things he hasn't done all season long.
  9. Thinking about entering this at the Sundance Film Festival.
  10. Glad the Kings won but that was a tough goal to lose on.
  11. Kings tie it with 7 seconds left to send it into OT. Whatever happens, I hope every game is this good.
  12. It took the Ducks 6 games to win their series? Thought they would have done it in 4. We know the Kings suck so it is no surprise that it took 7 games for them to finish off the Sharks. Btw this will be my only trash talking due to the fact I don't know if I really expect the Kings to win this series. Should be a good one.
  13. Not sure who you are directing this at. I don't remember anyone justifying anything. Good try though. Plus I stated the cops ****ed up. However I put blame on both parties. Guy wouldn't pull over during a slow speed chase. He followed that up by not getting out of his vehicle and complying. Then he runs. That does not justify the cops shooting and killing him, misunderstanding or not but the guy should not have run. He caused a whole new situation to unfold. Sucks he died and any wrongdoing should be dealt with when it comes to the cops.
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