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Posts posted by Catwhoshatinthehat

  1. 12 minutes ago, Jay said:

    Apparently the canceled the airshow on Sunday due to the spill.

    My father in law was supposed to work at the air show on Sunday and wasn't notified until 2am Sunday morning that it had been cancelled.  I'm real curious to know when the city knew this was happening because did they allow the air show to go on Saturday which meant a lot of money to the city and local businesses.  I was surprised to see that the air show was televised live on hulu as I don't recall if that was done in years past. 

  2. It was actually posted in this thread one page back.  I'll be curious to see how soon the company responsible knew it was happening because reports say it started as early as Friday as people out on boats during the air show on Saturday reported seeing oil sheen on the water.  There's videos from Sunday morning on the pier that show patches of oil making their way to the shore.  If the company didn't know it was happening then that's obviously concerning but if they did and they didn't report it yet that's even more concerning.  Mayor said the local beaches could be closed for weeks or months depending on how bad it gets.  If it made it's way into the wetlands then in a day or two it could destroy the years of work that have been put into the preserve.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Kotchman said:

    I agree but it does show our incompetence 

    It shows that if people aren't allowed to game the asylum system (put in a claim for something that doesn't actually qualify them for asylum while they're released into the US with a court date) or simply be allowed to stay after illegally entering the US or overstaying a visa then something is actually going right at the border.  The remain in Mexico policy while asylum claims are processed means the onus is on Mexico to deal with people camped at the border.  At one point a judge upheld the remain in Mexico policy while the Biden administration is trying to end it again: https://www.politico.com/news/2021/09/29/biden-administration-says-it-will-again-try-to-terminate-trumps-remain-in-mexico-policy-514769 If they get it overturned I'd imagine we'll see more caravans.


  4. I'm one of the oldest millennials and have been fine job wise between putting in the time and some luck which always plays a part.  Went from OCC to to CSULB and got out debt free while living at home which of course helped.  Costs at CSULB have definitely gone up since I graduated in 2005 but in state residents going the same route can still get a degree with minimal or even no debt if they're working while going to school and living at home.  I can drop the "I know a guy line" in regards to people who went to school and those who didn't just like everyone else can.  I know quite a few blue collar workers clearing over $100K some approaching $200K and they never went to college they just busted their asses and worked their way up.  Those jobs are still available it's just that they have a hard time filling and retaining workers because not many keep at it and work their way up where at a point future jobs they can apply for are all seniority based. 

    Ran into a couple guys I went to high school with at CSULB who got art degrees.  Both of them ended up working at mother's market after college along with a bunch of people who didn't have college degrees some of which were a few years behind us in high school.  I ran into quite a few people at college who were just going through the motions because going to college was expected of them.  They didn't really seem to want to be there, have a purpose being there other than just being there or seem to be in any kind of rush to finish.  I lined up my classes over 2 days whenever possible or so that they were as close together as possible so I could work on days I wasn't at school or before/after classes.  Life isn't easy and it's all about choices while some people don't own up to their choices or would rather just complain about how it's unfair or too hard.  Meanwhile plenty of people with varying levels of education who put their time in and work their way up are doing just fine.  

  5. This is more about political maneuvering than it is paying the countries bills.  As gotbeer pointed out the dems are trying to suspend the debt limit until December 2022 which the reps have said since July they won't support doing.  They have said they'll support the federal spending extension just not when it's coupled with suspending the debt limit so if the dems are that worried about a shutdown they can agree to just the federal spending extension.  The dems are also trying to push through a $3.5T spending package with plenty of pork/add-ons/pet projects to push their agenda and they're even having issues getting the votes from their own party to make this happen.  Both sides do it but it doesn't make it right and we need to think long and hard about adding more debt in the way of continued deficits but that won't happen.  When the shoe is on the other foot we'll see the same maneuvering, agenda pushing and bloated spending out of the reps.

  6. 11 minutes ago, Tank said:

    i think this is true because it seems a lot of police departments have stopped arresting and prosecuting these as crimes. the rioting of 2020 and the ensuing change of arresting people then giving them a summons to appear instead of holding them for bail certainly has had an effect on the stats being kept.

    I know TORS commented before it was basically pointless for him to arrest a transient getting high because they're out the next day and he has to do an inventory of all of their belongings.  I know when I go to the local Home Depot they have plain clothes workers who try to stop the people who walk in, put something in a plastic bag they have with them and walk out.  I saw this happen twice over about a minute some months back when I was going through the self check out line where the people handed the bag over and just walked out.  The guy I saw them catch doing this acted like he was somehow put out or wronged by getting caught.  Anything under $950.00 doesn't even get the cops out based on current laws.  If cities aren't going to prosecute like Gascon said LA wouldn't almost 9 months ago for certain crimes then rates for those crimes are going to drop. 

  7. 1 minute ago, Stradling said:

    I know nothing about comics, but I do have a buddy, a real honest guy, that could probably help you determine the value of them.  As for the cards, its pretty easy to tell the value of them these days by going to ebay and look at finished auctions.  There really isn’t a ton of value in cards from the 90’s.  It almost feels like the hobby took 20-30 years off of having any value.  

    Appreciate it and I might take you up on it some day after getting through projects at home.  I watched a documentary some months back about Image Comics which came about in the early 90's and realized they published some of the ones I got into for a bit.  None of them took off as far as getting made into movies, merchandising via toys or anything like that.  I think I have the first issue of Spawn and whichever Spiderman Carnage was first in but I remember looking those up years ago and apparently they had rare ones that were different colored covers or something like that so it went the same route as sports cards for a while.  I'm guessing most of the value in the cards and comics I have is nostalgia from when I was a kid, didn't work and didn't have a care in the world. 

  8. 23 minutes ago, True Grich said:

    Does anyone go to Frank and Sons?  I haven't been in years.

    We used to go in the 90's.  My friends and I collected up until about 97 or 98 at which point we got more interested in the opposite sex and not long before we stopped collecting is when they started grading every card worth selling.  The last time we went I remember seeing multiple sellers with cases of the same exact cards and they were priced based on whether they were a 7, 8, 9 or the rare 10's.  It felt like at that point kids were priced out and I wasn't surprised to learn years later that there was a bubble that formed in the card market.  Like Tank said there got to be too many sets.  I realize there may only be a few producers but it used to be like Topps, Donruss, Upper Deck and a few others then in the mid 90's if you wanted the chance at the best rookie card of your favorite player you had to figure out which set was "the best" then if you didn't get the refractor or whatever you were SOL.  The fact that most of the buyers and sellers looked like guys who still lived in their parents basement made it even easier to lose interest.  I still have boxes of cards some of them in protectors and I'm sure many of the ones in protectors aren't worth anything while there's the chance in some of the various boxes there's some worth something.  Part of me would rather just get rid of them and clear space but the money I put into them as a kid and the fact that maybe some of them I have are worth something (same thing with comics I have) has kept me from just tossing them.  

  9. 4 minutes ago, RallyMo said:

    When we have a spike in cases, you can bet your ass that people are dying (not COVID and COVID) or having worse outcomes because unvaccinated COVID patients are using so much of the labor force and healthcare resources.

    They're absolutely responsible for deaths other than their own.

    Happy to hear your aunt and uncle were vaccinated and didn't have too tough a time with it.

    Unfortunately it's a no win situation.  Maybe some other countries could or would ration healthcare and make people who didn't get vaccinated take a back seat to those that did but I know we're not one of them.  Despite my herd thinning comments I'm definitely not rooting against anyone but if I lost a loved one because they couldn't get the care they needed for something that was treatable due to people who are unvaccinnated I'd lose my shit.

    Thanks I honestly thought they were the type that wouldn't get it.  At 68 and 65 respectively they could very well be dead or in the ICU otherwise. 

  10. I really hope those assholes didn't take up resources for people who are battling something that wasn't preventable.  Sooner or later just gotta let the herd thinning happen.  My uncle and aunt who are Texas republicans both ended up with COVID recently.  Thankfully they were both vaccinated as I frankly didn't know if they would be and aside from fevers, feeling weak and tired they pulled through just fine. 

  11. 1 hour ago, Jason said:

    If you like liberal, progressive policies. 

    Someone can still be a good person regardless of whether or not you agree with their political, religious or other beliefs.  I may not agree with some or all of Porter's progressive policies but I respect the fact that she believes them, doesn't pander (or flip flop) to other voters just for their votes and seems like she is who she says she is which is rare in general but especially among politicians.  I definitely prefer her as a person to some of the other politicians who are far right/left and get more attention generally for the wrong reasons.

  12. Absolutely but the fact that it was allowed to get to the point that it did is sad.  The asylum system is broken when people are released into the country with a court date but I believe that more or less ended when a Trump era policy was upheld by a judge which supposedly the Biden admin was thankful for.  The Biden admin had no plan for the border and like too many things political are being reactionary instead of proactive.  Neither side has done enough about illegal immigration and I'm not going to hold my breath that they will.

  13. I think if our elected officials gave less of a shit about what other countries and their leaders thought while focusing more on issues that affect Americans along with less policing the world we'd be a lot better off.  Other countries and their leaders mock us but they criticize us when we get involved, don't get involved enough or don't get involved at all so it's damned if you do damned if you don't.  I don't care about being a super power because it's led to us being in never ending wars, created more enemies, led to unnecessary deaths and the list goes on.  Unfortunately I don't expect either side to change course and instead we'll stay on the same course while things crumble from within.  Any complaints I have about Biden kind of don't matter at this point considering the crap the right keeps trotting out there.

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