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Everything posted by floplag

  1. Yes, if they had enough quality arms out there. A committee of clean peanuts, no.
  2. Nothing is a sure thing when spending, but why is a reliever any more or less sure than a starter? Do we not have statistical history and projections on both? Is the decision process any different? The only difference is that an élite reliever costs about 1/3 an elite starter, whats the bigger risk?
  3. I agree, BUT, thats not an option for a 1 year window is it. We have to build a pen for the 22 season, not the next 10 years. For this next 12 months, what other options do we have?
  4. Our relievers have been fickle. not all relievers are. WE have done bullpen by cast off for so many years now i dont think we as Angel fans really know what a good bullpen is or how important they are at this point. I know what weve done hasnt worked, i know the game is changing moving away from rotation and to the pen, its time we evolve.
  5. you aren't guaranteed a rotation either.. spending guarantees nothing in any area. The pen is simply a better investment in my view. And i might add a lot less risk.
  6. Legit could not disagree with this more... For me this is the top priority. Even IF we get an ace well still have a group of young arms in the rotation, shortening games will be critical to success. Have we learned nothing these last few years of clean peanut shopping?
  7. Very aware of all that but every team i think used on in the post season didnt they? And thats before we get to Greinke only going 4? What does that say about those top starters? Guy pitching a non no gets pulled after 6... i mean at what point are we forced to acknowledge this isnt the game we grew up with any more? The best pitcher in the post was probably Freid, he threw 27 innings in 5 starts, just over 5 per, ik dont think anyone went 6. And this was with some of the best in the game involved. Sherzer threw 16.2 inning over 4 starts, bascially never went third time threw it would seem. The game is changing, the days of the 8 innings starters that go 200 plus innings seems well over. Expecting that is foolish, paying these guys the equivalent of what they got 5-10 years ago or more seems a waste. We have some good young arms, wouldnt that money be better spent putting a bullpen behind them, over replacing them? or both?
  8. Ive been mostly lurking of late for various reasons but i gotta chime in here... Those kids, also have the potential to be a very solid rotation. Why relegate them to the pen for more expensive FA starters when SP is being so heavily devalued by the metrics and no one is going more than 5/6 innings tops anymore? They have the ability to be a good rotation, if we put a bullpen behind them to shorten games. This is where the game seems headed.. ATL won a WS with 2 bullpen games! Greinke went 4 was it, in the WS? Freid was cruising and got pulled anyway... the era of the ace is over. Overpaying for SP which was already a bad investment just to push the kids to the pen seems counter productive in the current paradigm. Build a lockdown pen, first... add an ace or anchor, whatever fine, but we cant have another year of clean peanut bullpen.
  9. Ah yes the yk 100% hindsight redux... takes a special person to literally live for this shit. I was wrong in this case, ill own that, happy?
  10. As they stand, no they are not. They could be, very easily, if the FO does its job.
  11. Its ok, YK and respect in the same post must have been rough on him even if it was sarcastic. And people ask why i havent been posting much lately... go figure.
  12. And yet the purists will still tell you know over a 100 year old offense. which is who im talking about.
  13. Its the only move that makes any sense unless you also want to discuss re-alignment. The only other west coast-ish locations that might fly is Portland or SLC, but i wouldnt put a taco stand in portland right now with its unrest and SLC just doesnt seem to be large enough, whereas Vegas has proven major league level support in the NFL and NHL. The only reason you dont so this is the stigma of gambling, but thats moot really considering he game are being wagered on if played in an outhouse so, MLB might as well get over that.
  14. Win The team has to win games for either he or Trout to get that consideration going forward. Either that or has has to pull a Baylor and it must be so obvious that no one else could be considered and put up video game numbers while no one esle gets close.
  15. Many here wanted this for a long time, even before we actually had a viable replacement. Once it became Clear that Walsh was the correct choice for the position it became inevitable. I would have preferred to see him step down after last season as it was clear this was how things were going to go, but who among us really know when its time. I thank him for all he did as a Halo, especially the mentoring of Trout, but, the name on the front still matters much more than the back so, its time to move forward. He will be a first ballot hall of famer, as a Cardinal, there is little doubt of that.
  16. To leave KC with Whit Merrifield top play RF?
  17. Im curious based on what? They lost so much they really didnt replace are we just assuming they will find the usual magic?
  18. While true we also played 3 playoff teams while the astros and chisox padded thier differential against the Ms and As. The Chisox left Ana -2. We put a -1 on the Astros in the 2 games, the rest is all Oak/Sea. Im more encouraged by where we are than where they are. Our opening month-ish is actually a bit brutal with almost all potential playoff teams with the exception of 3 with KC and 2 with TX between now and the 25th. Lets hope the team can keep up this pace till they get to the softer ones... then again we somehow always manage to play down to a lot of those teams so maybe not .
  19. What an absolutely horrible call. A week in and weve seen games outcome affected by this and the dropped third strike thing, not exactly baseball putting its best foot forward. The games have been ridiculously fun and entertaining, but stuff like that leaves an impression.
  20. Probably. I am older, i do lament the days when it wasnt like watching live action strat-o-matic.
  21. Im going to keep my view on this and what MLB should or should not have done to myself and save it for other forums as ive learned the audience her over the years and pissing in the wind is pointless... BUT what i will say is that the problem isnt having or not having conversations, its willingness to listen to the opposition and leaving the self righteous silliness at home. Conversations these days always seem to end in one side or the other making baseless accusations of horrible labels as soon as it gets difficult and devolved into mental masturbation.
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