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Everything posted by floplag

  1. Honestly, i would rather see them just bring Adell back and let him work on his issues under fire than keep running Mayfield out there. I dont think thats going to happen anytime soon but still. I get the whole "Maddons gonna Maddon" and it isnt his fault that Rojas hit the covid list but this whole anyone can play anywhere thing just really doesnt make a ton of sense to me. It isnt like Mayfield is putting up more than expected numbers to justify it. Give Whitefield those ABs he was hitting 301 with 5 hr and is supposed to have good wheels, let see what he can do.
  2. I understood and agreed with Adell being sent down, BUT... that was somewhat predicated on the assumption that the replacement would be Rojas or a legitimate OF option. If were going to be running out infielders in the OF or some other makeshift lineup i dont really see the sense in that, you might as well bring him back and just let him work thru it on the job. At this point hes going to make some errors, and hes going to K more than he should, but lets also not forget his age. It comes down to this, what better, him in LF or what weve been doing for a lot of the time since he was sent down. I know other issues injuries and such have been a factor, but still, that only illustrates the lack of real depth without him.
  3. That is batshit crazy to have that many from SS... likely mostly squid... so i have to own that and admit i was wrong. Keep running the kid out there and let the rest of the guys worry about the bats. Sidenote, you gotta wonder a little at some point Tor might think of shifting Bichette because, damn.
  4. I wondered the same, guy was in contention for the rotation in ST now suddenly only relegated to garbage games...
  5. Funny who comes out of the woodwork on some posts...
  6. In his own words... "came out of nowhere" and "dont know whats left to show"... but yeah, thats bullshit im sure. Is there ANY content those comments make sense? I dont see one. whats left is obvious to anyone that can read a stat page... but sure be a dick and make it personal.
  7. Its got nothing to do with who posted what
  8. Im really bugged by his comments about the demotion though if im being honest. Most saw it coming, and thought it was necessary. Hes still super young, i dont think anyone thinks he wont be back, but lets be real... really poor defensive mechanics and the return of the k rate were not positives by any stretch. He should have seen it coming. These comments are not a good look in my view.
  9. Yeah me too... ill admit it. And yes, it should be.
  10. I agree, but you know they will try. Pham is obviously the better option, but he going to require more top kids from an already thin farm, so pick your poison, which way would you rather go? If they insist on Mous you have to walk away thats just dead money to us.
  11. The problem with a lot of those is that the teams in question are going to tie bad contracts to them more than asking for good prospects. The Reds want to jettison Moustakis, and he has absolutely no place to play here and has WAY too much left on that deal. The Padres are likely to want to move Myers with Hosmer having a bit of resurgence so far this season, which might make some sense to us as he have a 4th need and hes in the final years. Plus they are going to be more willing to move an SP as they have a glut of them as opposed to the Reds just dumping money. I was a bit surprised to see Stroman on that list, hes been really hot and cold so far with some really good starts and a couple really bad ones. His K/BB ration is still there as is the ground ball rate. Cant imagine them punting on this already, hes deal isnt that bad and unusually get cheaper more than more expensive... still though i wonder if they wouldnt want to tie another contract like Heyward. The good news is that none of these likely cost anything significant in terms of prospects, but more money, which might be a non starter.
  12. 100% this. Get the kid a glove collection, play him in LF, 1B when the numbers call for it... get his bat in there before making a move like that.
  13. Christ if nothing else play him in LF... makes more sense than Mayfield. Find a ways to get that bat into the lineup especially if youre going to continue to play Velazquez.
  14. Lets not forget, the kids still only what, 23? Hes a year younger than Marsh so it isnt shocking Marsh might be a little more developed. Offensively hes ready, but could still use some works based on K rate, but he really needs to work on the glove. Sitting the bench isnt helping him.
  15. I dont like the guy, at all, as a person, but this is totally wrong. Dont misunderstand me, im quite sure he did something that would make me want to beat the hell out of him, BUT... How do they rationalize what amounts to a 3 year ban, 2 without pay, after giving Ozuna only 20 games? Thats not suggesting they were the same thing but there are a lot of similarities, beginning with the fact that neither was charged or convicted of anything. This is a gross overreaction to thier failure in the previous case. The reality is they both should have gotten a year perhaps, so they averaged it out by throwing Bauer under the bus after slapping Ozunas wrist. This wont i suspect end well for them and he will recoup a lot of lost salary at the leagues expense.
  16. At some point though you create a handicap match and give away too many outs. If he can hit the Mendoza line, im with hit, but 128 is hard to absorb.
  17. I would agree with this, but right now he is hitting 128, thus the question.
  18. Doesn't that assume his replacement is deficient though? By all accounts Wade is not a poor defensive SS. Nor is Fletcher potentially. No, neither has the same glove AV has, but they arent stone hands either. It isnt binary, its a matter of degrees. Were not talking about putting Stefanic there for example which i would agree.
  19. I think the new balls are part of a solution. A lot of guys that dont deserve to hit homeruns like they have will have to learn to hit again, and im here for that. When a journeyman SS cant hit 20 anymore they will have to evolve. When walks arent producing as many runs due to fewer home runs, they will have to adjust. A lot of folks complaining about home runs being down, i for one couldnt be happier.
  20. I get what you ae trying to say, but... how do you create that environment? A guy walks, plays station to station running, its going to take at least another walk and a hit to score him, barring a bomb. In the just get on base mentality, you are basically playing for bombs to score those runs. Youre not even trying to manufacture anything or string hits or pressure defenses, youre literally standing around waiting for someone to hit a home run to score you. Now, that has worked a lot in recent years, but lets be honest, its boring baseball. To me its one of the biggest issues facing the game today.. not pace of play, but the game just isnt exciting. walk walk three run bomb.. ok i cheer once. hot, steal, another hit, maybe then a bomb... thats more going on, more to watch, more to enjoy. Yes it goes against some of the analytics, but this isnt supposed to be live action strat-o-matic is it? Would you pay to watchthat? Thats what weve been doing in recent years. Its just my opinion and as such i dont expect many to agree, but moneyball baseball is boring baseball, thats the real problem the game faces today.
  21. I get it Maddon loves the guy, hes got an amazing glove, but he simply can not hit. Hes not an every day player, at least not at this point. Thoughts?
  22. I would be curious how more walks and such have also affected that. You get a hit and steal second a walk doesnt score you, a hit maybe does... with much more emphasis on walks it might be artificially devaluing the stone base even more than it maybe should be resulting in stats like this. The same is probably also true of bunting.
  23. Its curious they have Montas value that high with only this and next year under control... Which is why other teams have balked at Oaks request im sure. Im not suggesting Bowdens idea is great or anything, we would all obviously make that deal right now, But Oak isnt going to get a top kid from anybody for just a year and a half. The longer they wait the less they get unless a contender has a massive injury, which is likely what they are gambling on.
  24. Note the beginning of the moneyball era effect on that chart, lol
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