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Everything posted by floplag

  1. I actually love this idea. Legit 5 tool player, plus arm, gold glove, actual RF, patient approach... whats not to love. Opens up possibility to make deals for young OF. Its the kind of creativity we need out of this front office right now. Is it likely, probably not, but i wouldn't be disappointed at all.
  2. Noted, thanks. I honestly didnt care enough to pay attention, lol
  3. As far as i know, int he just another FA other than being suspended or do the Dogs still own his rights somehow?
  4. I came here to say "Are we desperate enough to talk about him again?" ... i guess i got my answer
  5. SC: 100M floor is a great idea, the cap isnt. implement the floor and leave the tax system as is, whats the problem?
  6. PPE: ok, find the median, easy. EP: this one is, odd. we certainly do not need any realignment in terms of fewer divisions in my opinion at all. Who the hades wants to see a 4th, 5th place team in the post? I like the idea of expanding but lets be reasonable. Division winners get byes in first round, second place teams plus best overall third playoff to determine the #4 seed, 1 plays 4, 2 plays 3, easy peasy. RS: I think this is vital to competitive integrity personally as some teams simply cannot compete, however, to earn it they must show an effort o actually be competitive. STM: No, this is dumb. Gives better players path to faster FA and contract, does nothing for the overall play base. They do this they will just see those players get more limited playing time to prevent it as we do with call ups now.
  7. FA: That seems an easy compromise, if either side actually cares to make compromises CBT raise to 245 is a gift for the Yankees Dodgers and now Mets and will hurt the competitive balance even further. Thats literally a free Scherzer without Tax. Even a compromise to 225 ish only benefits those with the resources to go that high. Arb: Both solutions are stupid, you dont drop it from 6-2, 4 as compromise makes sense. CI: Well this one is a stickler. I think those who made an effort, should go first, ahead of those who tanked. For example start with those who just missed the playoffs, not those with the worst records. too many teams content with doing nothing and collecting revenue sharing and stockpiling high draft picks only to trade them away. its pointless.
  8. not being able to use the players names or pictures might make things a bit confusing though... lol
  9. i would 100% go on McHugh, but there are a lot of good names on that list. I like the Joe Kelly idea, seems to love the setup role and thrived it in the last couple of years setting up Jansen. Hes got a crazy ground ball rate as well at over 2 for the last 3 seasons. Plus a little attitude could help this club. If it were up to me id grab him and McHugh if you could make that work. Add that to what we have it could be one of the best bullpen in the game which i for one would love to have for a change. If were going with question marks or kids in the rotation we better finish the bullpen.
  10. This is the list i think im most concerned with. We still need at least one more top bullpen arm in my opinion. There is a lot of help on this list to be had. Heck even Cishek didn't pitch poorly overall and finished way better than he started.
  11. Im actually liking the shorter term concept, ive warmed to it, the reality is we dont need 5-10 year guys, we have a ton of kids that will be ready in a couple years. Sure an ace would be nice, but it isnt requisite if we make the right moves elsewhere. This class had a lot of big names, none that had zero concerns. There are still some options here that make some sense, and some i just cant see.
  12. This is in my view dead on. Although i might suggest we may have enough depth on MiF with the recent acquisitions. Otherwise spot on.
  13. I think youre pretty much spot on here. Maybe Melancon to make room for McHugh if you must. I would prefer a more legit SS, if your going to bust the budget bust it right, but at the end of the dsay the list remains the same, bullpen, SP, and SS.
  14. I like it, solid depth signing, lots of possibilities and options... i mean i hate that this is what time was spent on now but otherwise i have no issues with it at all.
  15. Too high a price to pay, at some point giving up young arms to get young arms becomes a lateral move. No im not suggesting they are as good as he, but Detmers could be close enough so why give up the rest? AS others have said, one of the OF, a young pitcher not in our top 3, and whatever else... lets not forget Castillo only has two years left.
  16. This only makes sense if the trade talks become much larger than just one of the outfielders.
  17. For me, hes well down my list. He isnt likely to repeat last season or close to it especially swapping leagues. I dont hate the idea, but theres easily 3 or 4 guys id rather have than overpaying for him.
  18. Of course we can, there is zero evidence to suggest otherwise considering the organizations other recent purchases of the land around the stadium and such, were clearly not hurting. The question isnt can we, but will ownership allow it.
  19. What SS do you trade for and who do you trade to get it ? I like the idea just curious who you have in mind.
  20. This would obviously be our highest hopes... i like the idea of short term deals to buy time for the kids as well. This was a good signing on every level in my view. Yes it has risk, but its a lower risk than others and sends the right message.
  21. No one is eager, far from it, but realistically unless arte spends, which today he did so it all may change, they are/were our best chance at filling the need. Its really that simple.
  22. I like it, dont really care about the draft pick right now this club needs to win at the ML level, now. The only question i have is whether this is the beginning, or the end? Is he the piece, or the compliment. Will we still either go out and sign another to a longer term deal such as a Stroman, or make a trade for one such as the rumored Mia or Cin options. If i had to guess right now, i think more likely a trade is coming as we still have other issues to address. But this is definitely an encouraging start, i hope
  23. ive had my eye on Stroman for a long time, largely due to ground ball rates. Down a bit last year but still. IF we go get one of the better SS, Semien for example, we will have an entire infield of gold glove caliber players, huge for young pitchers and ground ball creators. For me that a big criteria for whoever we go after as pitchers.
  24. For your viewing pleasure.. https://www.mlbtraderumors.com/2021/11/top-50-mlb-free-agent-rankings.html We got votes for Semian (6/138), Stroman (5-110), Rodon (1/25), Gray (4/56), Matz (3/27), Neris (2/18), Tepera 2/12), Duffy 1/10), and a bunch of "will also be in play" on a number of others.
  25. Yes, if they had enough quality arms out there. A committee of clean peanuts, no.
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