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Pancake Bear

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Posts posted by Pancake Bear

  1. 4 hours ago, gotbeer said:

    The elephant in the room is that 10/$500 or 12/$500 looks great when you have $150 million RSN deals.  But there might be a reason why it hasn't been offered yet by the Angels.  The next few months may really make the league into have's and have nots.  With the Yanks and YES, and the Dogs with Sportsnet still getting paid, and the Bally's of the world getting a fraction.  

    Don't drink the kool-aid.


  2. 1 hour ago, Blarg said:

    It would be irresponsible and stupid of the Angels to offer that contract. 

    Not really. 1) Someone will pay him at least that much. 2) Ohtani makes them an absurd amount of money and will likely be more than worth it overall. 3) The supply/demand on pitchers next off-season is terrible, and we don't have enough in the farm to compete without supplementing from outside. 4) We are nearing the end of our window before Trout's contract potentially becomes an albatross. Unless we don't want to contend for the next ten years, this is the time to go all in. 5) Arte or whoever owns the team has more than enough money to pay him that and still field a solid team.

    So, no, it wouldn't be irresponsible. It would be irresponsible not to.


  3. OC Register: Shohei Ohtani’s agent places no deadline on negotiations with Angels

    MLBdotCom: Shohei Ohtani likely will elect to enter free agency at the end of the season rather than negotiate with the Angels on a long-term extension during the regular season, his agent, Nez Balelo, said Monday, but the door remains open for negotiations during Spring Training.

    ESPN: Shohei Ohtani's agent, Nez Balelo, has been consistently coy about his client's contract status, but he hinted Monday at something many in the industry had long assumed -- that Ohtani will probably explore free agency, even if it does ultimately result in him returning to the Los Angeles Angels.

    Gotta know your audience, amirite? 😂😂😂

  4. 55 minutes ago, Dtwncbad said:

    I am not sure I agree.  I think it is roster space and not opportunity.  If the Angels signed Andrus, I can’t see how he is not the everyday starting shortstop.  He would be.

    But doesn’t matter now.

    He really isn't better than the other options, though, and we'd have to trade or send Rengifo down to the minors to accommodate him. Doesn't make sense for a so-so player coming off a career year he probably can't repeat. 

  5. 1 hour ago, AngelsWin.com said:

    Asked if he’s 100% now, Walsh said: “It feels like it. I feel like I keep getting stronger, but I feel great right now, so no complaints. I feel like I’m full go. I can make throws, hit on the field, do everything.”

    Walsh, 29, said he’d been dealing with the condition for a couple years. It mostly affected his throwing, but it would carry over to the plate.


  6. 5 hours ago, AngelsWin.com said:

    Adell said Friday that he worked out at the complex in Arizona “close to” every single day of the winter.

    “What this guy has done in the last four or five months for me is as impressive as anything he could have done during the season last year,” Nevin said. “No vacations. Nothing. This guy didn’t miss a day. I’m really proud of the work he’s doing.”

    That's excellent. Love the work ethic. Love that he's putting in the time and working on something that he was clearly well below the level he needed to be at. 

    5 hours ago, AngelsWin.com said:

    So far, Adell has not lived up to the blue-chip prospect status that’s been attached to his name since he was the 10th overall pick in the 2017 draft. He has a career .215 average and a .616 OPS in 557 major-league plate appearances. He has hit 15 homers. His 34.8% strikeout rate is one of the worst in the majors, compounded by a walk rate of just 4.7%.

    Adell said he’s more concerned about his fly ball rate, though.

    This part is more concerning. He had a more than solid BABIP. His slugging wasn't amazing, but it was hardly the problem. The issue was his poor batting average and on base percentage. They were really bad. The K and BB% we're also abysmal. That suggests to me the problem is not how he's hitting, but actually, y'know, hitting the ball? I don't know if that's pitch recognition, contact ability, plate discipline, or what, but that seems to me to be the obvious problem, and it's perplexing to me that he's focusing (as I read it) on hitting more bombs. 

    Am I way off base here or missing something? Because this emphasis doesn't make sense to me, and I don't get why the team and hitting coach wouldn't be conveying to him what the real problem is unless he's just ignoring them, but the fact that he went to Driveline suggests he's coachable. I just don't get it. 

  7. 2 hours ago, Angel Oracle said:

    And if Arte Moreno is FINALLY willing to go over the tax threshold.

    He always said he would for the right player.

    I feel like fans put way too much weight on that line. It was a long time ago and the payroll level of the Angels wasn't as far off from the luxury tax level at the time. I doubt Arte even remembers saying it. 

    That said, in his chat with Heyman, he invoked Babe Ruth leaving Boston. I think he's well aware of his legacy and is concerned about being the guy who wasted Trout's career and let Ohtani walk away. I think that's why he's approved a higher payroll and it's why I think he'll do whatever he can to convince Ohtani to stay. Whether Sho stays will come down to whether he wants to stay.

  8. There aren't many teams that can afford to bring in one player for $50 million, and if he really doesn't want to play in the east (he was pretty firm on that five years ago), that limits the field even more. Mariners are already pinching pennies; doubt they can afford him. So, if not the Angels, it's what? Dodgers, Giants, and Padres?

    The Angels are one of the top spenders, so it really just comes down to whether he trusts Arte and Minasian to make the team a winner. 

  9. 58 minutes ago, Ace-Of-Diamonds said:

    I read an article yesterday, but I can't find it again but the article wrote a couple paragraphs about every team. It said the Angels should win 80 games and that they have the very worst bullpen baseball. God I hope this year is different so we can finally shut down all the negative press.

    Bleacher Report probably.

  10. 1 hour ago, Duren, Duren said:

    How much English does Ohtani understand and speak? He's been in the majors half a dozen years, but even before that he knew he probably would be playing there. So English was on the horizon. And he returns to Japan after the season, so doesn't have continuity for learning and practicing English in day to day life. 

    Not that it matters in terms of his production. But will he need a translator his whole career?  Japanese/English are very different conceptually and in use. 

    Being bilingual would increase his image and marketability. Especially if he goes to a high profile team. 

    Personally I enjoy his somewhat cryptic individuality. And if he wants to just focus on his game without distractions then there is no reason to change the status quo with Ippi. 


    I remember a while back one of his teammates said Ohtani actually does speak English. That leads me to believe he's at a conversational level, but for interviews he doesn't feel 100% comfortable and prefers a higher degree of precision that would take considerably more time to get to. 

  11. Caught a clip of Flipping Bats recently with Ben Verlander and Alex Curry where they were talking about the Angels. She was talking a bit about Arte in regards to how he doesn't say much publicly and she commented that Arte isn't very comfortable doing public speaking. I'd imagine that's why he avoids interviews: Because he's concerned about how he'll come across. He'd rather say nothing and let windbags like Blum whine about it all day and the rest of us speculate what he's thinking, apparently. Personally, I don't think he has to say anything. He's a billionaire. If he wants to say nothing, there's nothing in the owner regulations that require a hardball interview every year - or any public comments at all. Obviously we'd all prefer to hear from him, but at this point it's pretty obvious he has little interest in doing that. 

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