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Everything posted by Sully151

  1. Heading into day 12 of staying at home. Both of my kids now homeschooling. My wife is teaching online, and I teach my classes on line too. Ever tries teaching an improv class on line? Found out yesterday that one of my students is super sick. She is waiting on test results. My allergies are acting up and freaking me out. Our washing machine died. Getting a new one delivered tomorrow. They are just dropping it off and leaving. My dog is super stoked on all the walks. I ran out of blueberries, so it looks like I have to go shopping. My wife and daughter started an Instagram acct to teach kids art projects with household items. Follow her if you have kids @artshowathome My son and I are trying to find some sort of creative outlet. Thanks for doing this chuck!
  2. Think what you want of Kevin and Bean, but the show where Ralph pretended to be Jerry Lewis and called the President of France, was a great moment in radio. And an international incident. https://www.google.com/amp/s/m.eonline.com/amp/news/44839/lewis-phony-french-connection They aren’t allowed to broadcast it anymore, but here is Bean’s final show where they talk about it and play part of it.
  3. We shut the show down at the theater I run. We will be dark for quite a while since we were only 5 shows into a 20 show run. This was one of our “money shows”. The ones that keep our doors open. Oh well, we will get through it. Rent might just come out of my pocket.
  4. You just posted so you could brag about your kid being at Yale
  5. It’s crazy. The theater that I run opened a show tonight (I am in it) we are 54 seats and usually sell 35-40 on a Thursday. Tonight, we have 4. Sucks. We are also getting people calling and asking to cancel their seats and get refunds for nights further down the run because of the virus.
  6. I hope it goes away by May too. That way we can spend May-November hearing about the Astros cheating scandal.
  7. My wife got the flu shot a couple of months back. She is currently in bed with the flu.
  8. So, what we have learned from this is kids still want autographs and don’t care, and grown ass men feel the need to yell “cheater”.
  9. Weaver’s 82mph fastball would bring fear to the cheaters at the plate.
  10. It’s going to be like The Old West this season. Man, I need to watch Tombstone and Unforgiven instead of Bull Durham and Major League to get ready for the season.
  11. So what happens to players that were on the Astros, but are on other teams now? Do they get hit by pitch too?
  12. I love how in another post, you talk about how good the Dodgers are at drafting and development and in then start a thread about trading the best player the Angels have drafted and developed since Trout. No, I wouldn’t trade Adell, and probably wouldn’t trade Marsh either.
  13. Close, I suppose. I was First Mate in a tall ship and the Capt. yelled out “Sully, Hands to sail” and it stuck.
  14. Well, people call me Sully and the number came from an old REM song off Document, Odd Fellows Local 151.
  15. Yeah, it’s cool that it wasn’t every game... just the home games.
  16. Trout literally talked about looking up Adell’s minor league box scores and would call Eppler late at night to talk about him. He has also spoken about mentoring him the way Hunter mentored Trout. I am not saying that Trout has come out and said don’t trade him, but he obviously likes the kid.
  17. I think one of the reasons Trout signed his contract was Adell. Trout wants to play with him and has been following him in the minors. this probably plays into the decision.
  18. Yeah, tough to be a pilot when you can’t see red or green. Same for being a ship captain.
  19. Let’s see, our ace overdosed, our superstar two way player had Tommy John surgery, our young pitcher was shut down with elbow problems Heaney had arm issues, and every other SP was either hurt or just plain sucked. Why would any Free Agent pitcher want to join this mess of a rotation? I don’t think this is Eppler’s fault.
  20. Meh, I saw it more as a guy wanting to sign a couple balls and go on with his day instead of answering dumbass questions kind of a video. i wish him luck until the Angels play them. as an aside, how many of those balls are on eBay right now?
  21. Me either. I have better things to do than read 23 pages of a post in a baseball forum in December. Maybe you can catch me up.
  22. I just heard on am 830, that the Angel Megadeal was just SOUTH of $300 million. We were never in it
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