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Everything posted by halobob

  1. Cuz I'm an AMERICAN! USA USA USA! Actually because I thought flute was a troll, if I'm wrong feel free to edit title.
  3. I hit my buddy right in the leg in high school, he made the funniest noise I've ever heard him made and collapsed. I couldn't help but start cracking up laughing (he was okay). I would say it was the worst shot of my life but that would be a complete lie.
  4. What section are your seats Wicked? I get up to SF for a couple Giants games a year. AT&T is my favorite ball park by far.
  5. I used to do the shorecliffs back 9 and breakfast deal in the mornings...could finish 9 before 8 oclock and be to work on time. Like you said not an attractive course but it is definitely challenging...gotta be a straight shooter on that course.
  6. Being a California team sports fan blows right now. States like Texas have a 13.3% advantage (okay not that much since they pay state tax in the state they play in for road games but still a huge advantage) in signing players because of no state income tax. Deandre will make more in his 1st 4 years as a Mav then he would've in his first 4 years as a Clipper in the new deals.
  7. I'm just asking if people were upset then, I wasn't old enough to know what was going on at the time, was hoping someone older could inform me. Yes, I am comparing because both protect our children but I don't view vaccination as sticking chemicals in our bodies, I view it as protecting us from preventable diseases.
  8. WTF is with all this veggie talk on Pizza? Give me the triple play pepperoni with sausage and bacon!
  9. Sorry guys, when I woke up this morning the sky was indeed falling on me. J/K, halos gonna get hot, lovin Soto's optimism!
  10. If this isn't bad enough it's only going to get worse in 2016: http://www.cnbc.com/id/102792711
  11. It's a shame he wants to go after pot...that could bring in quite a bit of money for the government which would help out his proposed 28% top tax rate. 2 things I'd do if I'm elected president: 1. Legalize pot (would be a huge source of rev for the government and IMO less harmful than alcohol which is already legal) 2. US online poker site/race,sports betting site/casino site. Think how much the government would make off the rake/vig? They would also be able to know how much a person has won at the end of the year and tax that too.
  12. Were some people this pissed off when chair seats became mandatory for infants/toddlers while riding in a car?
  13. Why have I not been sleeping for 4 hours already?
  14. Damn, and I thought I was gonna get the line off strippers titties reference.
  15. Spot on Jeff. The Angels are still going to trade for a bat when the right deal comes along (or if things go south big time the next 3 weeks become sellers) whether or not JD is there. That being said, it blows that JD resigned because I thought he was doing a great job. We actually have some pitching depth now. How about that Heandog btw? Looking pretty good in his 1st stint with the Halos. I'm pretty happy we have him for 6 cost controlled years vs. the last year of Howie's contract and I am a huge Howie fan. He had an eye on the future for the Halos and was unable construct the team as he saw fit due to the Hamilton/Pujols contracts. On the bright side, even with all of the Hamilton and front office distractions along with the Angels hitters looking awful at the plate outside of Pujols and Trout, we are still 3 games above .500 heading into July 4th weekend and only a few games behind the Astros for the division. Hopefully there will now be less tension around the ballpark and the Halos can get on a little hot streak heading into the trade deadline. If the Halos are close to the Astros come Sept, the pressure could easily get to that young Astros team and the Halos could win the division.
  16. If I were to invade Djibouti would Greece help?
  17. Chilling article written by Rich Clune (former King) about alcohol abuse, drugs, fighting culture in hockey: http://www.theplayerstribune.com/rich-clune-hockey-nhl/
  18. This was posted on the Ducks message board and I thought it was interesting enough to post here...roster turnover from our 1st 2 game 7 home losses: Our starting lineup for Game 7 v. Detroit in 2013: Ryan-Getzlaf-Perry Beleskey-Bonino-Selanne Winnik-Koivu-Cogliano Etem-Steckel-Palmieri Souray-Beauchemin Fowler-Lovejoy Sbisa-Allen Our starting lineup for Game 7 v. LA in 2014: DSP-Getzlaf-Perry Maroon-Bonino-Palmieri Cogliano-Koivu-Silfverberg Winnik-Perreault-Selanne Fowler-Lovejoy Lindholm-Beauchemin Allen-Vatanen
  19. The only move I'd like to see the Ducks make at this point is signing Semin. Putting him with the twins and Hagelin on the 2nd line with Silf and Kes would make us unbelievably hard to play against. If we can get him for something like 3/9 that'd be unreal and since he is getting paid so much by Carolina anyway, maybe he signs for that.
  20. I think we would be a great match up with our combined suckiness.
  21. Vegas is getting a team, they aren't spending all that money building a hockey arena right now to not get a team.
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