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Everything posted by halobob

  1. The Angels ****ing suck complete ass. Thank goodness college football starts next weekend and hockey starts in a little over a month. I need to pull a Cory and stop watching this team.
  2. I would be okay with Murphy in left next season. I'm also okay with Cowart at 3rd. We need an upgrade at catcher, 2nd base, #1 starter, and 1 more bullpen arm. We also have way too much dead money right now.
  3. If it were legal and didn't present danger to the pregnant lady then I wouldn't have a problem with it. So as it currently stands, no I am not okay with it. However, my view of life is that it begins once birth takes place. I understand many people disagree with me on this and I'm by no means saying the law should be changed to allow abortions until birth, I am fine with the current law. Edit- I should also add that it's not like there would be many of those type of abortions happening. A person would have to have a damn good reason to want to abort a baby that late without aborting much earlier in the pregnancy process such as giving birth to the child presents a huge risk to the life of the pregnant woman.
  4. MT, my beef with you on this topic is that you feel the need to convince people who are pro-choice that it is a baby or child before it is born. There is nothing you can say to me that will make me think that the unborn has rights, just as there is nothing I can say to you that makes you believe the unborn is not a baby or child who has rights. I have no problem with people who do not want to have abortions, that is their own business. I do have a problem when people project their beliefs onto others saying no one should be able to get abortions. If my future daughter happens to get pregnant at 16, you better believe I want her to have the option of whether or not to birth a child, but that is her decision not the decision of anyone else and I would support her in whichever decision she made.
  5. Lol at the bold...and if the law allowed for unlimited abortion up until the time of birth I would be okay with that as long as it doesn't put the pregnant woman at risk. However, I believe that if abortions were done that late it does put the pregnant woman at risk which is why it is illegal at that time...I could be completely wrong on that.
  6. No, it would not make sense to err on the side of bringing a child into this world that the parent does not want.
  7. I always thought adam was created from old asian dudes pics.
  8. I can play live poker with a 40 min drive to Commerce but I'm way too lazy for that. I want to sit on my couch and play a sit n go while watching a preseason football game I have action on. No, I have to settle for the legal gambling that is our current stock market.
  9. I think Hags goes for 20/20, but I am an optimist.
  10. Kind of like the freedom to choose whether or not to get an abortion?
  11. Fixed...I'm pretty sure it has always been called a procedure, not just these days.
  12. The Ducks had the talent last year to win it and didn't get it done, no team in the West is going to be more motivated than the Ducks. If we don't at least make the cup finals this year I would consider it a disappointing year, and I'm normally never that way.
  13. I was at an Angels game a few years ago, the lady in front of me whipped out a sealed pack of mini brownie cups from Costco, opened it up, dumped an entire Ruby's shake on it, and went to town eating the whole thing. I damn near threw up. In the US people can own a redonkulous gun meant for war, have abortions, and I can't legally sports bet or play poker online. WTF!
  14. I wish I could find a casino with the Ducks at 10-1...when I was in Vegas in July I bet the Ducks at 9-1 at the Westgate when they were 8-1 everywhere else. 11-1 on 5dimes would be unreal...online sports betting needs to be legal and it's ridiculous that it isn't. This is the Ducks year!
  15. 11 days until the opener...as Bart Scott would say, CAN'T WAIT!
  16. Man, I am loving USC the last three years: Kiffen, deflated balls, Josh Shaw, Sark, now drunken Sark? So entertaining. I am very interested to see how the season plays out on the field, will USC make a playoff run with an experience QB, or will we see the return of 7 win sark? Either could happen. BTW, USC is currently a 4.5 pt favorite against the Bruins on Nov 28th. If I was going to Vegas before the season started I'd be taking those points all day long!
  17. As of right now we only need to pass 2 teams, one of which we are tied with. If the Angels have indeed hit rock bottom and it goes up from here, they should make the playoffs.
  18. I really didn't like Ben Weber back in the day.
  19. "Broderick said at least one young student he talked to “thought seriously about going back home” after seeing the “offensive message.” Prude. That's hilarious and if your daughter is dumb enough to spread her legs for those guys she deserves the herpes that comes her way.
  20. Jeez, wife has no spine, sitting there in that video, smh.
  21. Josh admitted to having a pornography addiction. How much porn does one have to watch for it to be classified as an addiction?
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