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Vegas Halo Fan

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Everything posted by Vegas Halo Fan

  1. None of this will matter if he still waves weakly at breaking balls two feet off the plate.
  2. Beyond a certain point, renovations don't help. Yankee Stadium was closed for a year for renovations while the Yanks shared Shea with the Mets. They eventually had to build a new ballpark, despite the history and everything else.
  3. Since I work in a correctional facility, it is illegal for me to carry mine at work. It stays in the car, and frankly I don't miss it. It does come in handy passing the time in places like doctors' offices where there is nothing to do until your appointment is called.
  4. Wow, that is a relief. Now I can read quality content like the article in the original post and it won't cost me a cent. At least I will get what I pay for.
  5. Tank: Try Brooklyn Battery Works. I find them far below just about anyone else, and they carry pretty much any type of batteries you could want. On watch/electronic batteries their prices are unbeatable. I paid 50 cents each for batteries that were $5.00 each at Radio Shack and Target. I have also bought telephone batteries from them, and a backup battery for my home security system. Brooklyn Battery Works
  6. Since they have decided that I need to pay them to read their online content, they have disappeared from my list of bookmarks.
  7. Considering some of the people I grew up with, it doesn't surprise me that Duval County couldn't come up with a jury that could make a rational decision.
  8. All of our computers at work run XP. Sometime in the near future all of them will be replaced with new machines running Win 7. Considering how old our proprietary stuff is, I can't imagine that there won't be major compatibility issues.
  9. "We are under attack by the president. Send us money." Summary of the whole film. "It is my God-given right to own a gun." I'm not the most astute student of the Bible, but I don't recall reading anything about firearms in it. Perhaps the Book of Armaments from Monty Python and the Holy Grail actually exists, and I just skipped over it. I have no objection to people owning firearms if they want to, but to consider any effort to put limits on what people can own an "attack" is ludicrous.
  10. Maybe he will be drafted by the Raiders. Let's let Westboro tangle with that bunch.
  11. There is a woman in my prison right now who wiped out a group of teenagers while she was driving under the influence of marijuana. Her car plowed into the median where they were working, cleaning up a stretch of highway. Story
  12. Isn't that what washed up players are for?
  13. So Boehner is too liberal. Not sure what fantasy world these people live in, but I want no part of it.
  14. Only if they want to spare the expense of printing playoff tickets.
  15. We couldn't even pry Santiago from the White Sox for Kendrick straight up. I doubt that we are going to get a "decent haul" during the season. The only way we get anything even remotely meaningful in such a deal is if a club with a lot of payroll falls well out of the race and just wants to dump salary.
  16. That definitely should have ended the thread. Well done.
  17. I had to watch it a second time, because I was laughing so hard my eyes were closed for part of the first time through. Brilliant.
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