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Everything posted by Jeremiah

  1. You can kind of make an argument for that since Nike made the uniforms, and even designed some of them. I still don’t like it, but there’s a case to be made. Motorola has nothing to do with the success or the aesthetics of the Padres.
  2. And I think that’s the end goal: that we don’t notice the slow change. It’ll eventually become normal. It’s like the analogy of the frog boiling in water that is slowly heated. It would be one thing if the the extra revenue could be spent on on-field talent, but it can’t if you’re up against the cap, or if the team just won’t. In the end it’s just a money grab, which is fine. Advertise wherever you need in order to make a profit. Just keep it off of the uniforms.
  3. Nothing says “big leagues” like having a sponsor on your uniform…
  4. I agree with this completely. I feel like advertising has its place. The uniform is not one of those places. The NFL will be the last league without uni ads now.
  5. That was my first thought when I saw “Moxie” in the headline, and was going to post something similar.
  6. I think this is probably what he wanted as well. The Angels will also have the first window to re-sign him if things go well.
  7. The Rams seem to have a hard time making adjustments when they get behind. The Niners also have had their number the last couple of seasons. I like McVay as a coach, but these seem like coaching issues.
  8. “Walking down Main Street getting to know the concrete Looking for a purpose from a neon sign I would meet you anywhere, western sun meets the air We'll hit the road, never looking behind…”
  9. it’s not really insurance. Teachers (among other caregivers) are mandatory reporters in cases of suspected abuse or neglect. The law protects us against retaliatory action. https://ccsd.net/district/policies-regulations/pdf/5152_R.pdf
  10. Yup, this would work for me as well. It’s my favorite look the team has ever worn. As Tank said, all it really needs is the classic halo stitched onto the crown of the cap. It’s a truly unique and clever design feature that they never should have abandoned.
  11. Two Angels castoffs well-past their MLB expiration date...
  12. It’s too bad that few coaches really teach it anymore. It can prolong the careers of pitchers, and as has been noted, it puts much less strain on the arm, allowing pitchers to go on shorter rest. I’d like to see it come back.
  13. Universal DH No luxury tax/salary cap. It isn't necessary. Making sure the team owners know how to run a baseball org is what matters. The draft does need to balanced better. Either institute an international draft or (my preference) get rid of the draft altogether. Pro sports is fairly unique in that employees cannot choose the employer they'd prefer to spend the beginning of their careers with. If the draft is retained then the next thing I'd like to see is below. Trading of draft picks Start the service-time clock as soon as a player is assigned to a minor league team. This will get rid of the manipulating of that and force teams to keep improving their player development department. End the blackout nonsense. No playoff expansion. I like that MLB isn't like the other leagues in this regard. I like Strad's PED idea. Team's should be able to void the contract if the player is suspended for an illegal PED once the positive is confirmed by another.
  14. For me it would be a few simple fixes. I'd lose the gradient numbers, the dishrag pants, and the name tags. Tweak the dishrag jersey to better resemble the away version from the 80's-early 90's. I do like the metallic finish on the helmets. I also like the brighter blue and yellow.
  15. I despise the San Jose Sharks, but I do like their uniforms.
  16. I'll echo the sentiments of ScottT and mmc. I didn't like the periwinkle, and I don't like the red alt. Going off baseball, I really don't like these:
  17. There were especially bad considering the excellent uniforms they replaced.
  18. Someone in the thread had noted that the Salt Lake pitching coach is well-regarded by the players. Chances are he's going to be in Tempe anyway for ST. He'd likely be familiar with a number of the players on the roster already.
  19. @st1ckboyis correct. The pardons do not protect them from any possible state charges. https://www.justice.gov/pardon/pardon-information-and-instructions Under the Constitution, only federal criminal convictions, such as those adjudicated in the United States District Courts, may be pardoned by the President. In addition, the President's pardon power extends to convictions adjudicated in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia and military court-martial proceedings. However, the President cannot pardon a state criminal offense.
  20. I generally agree with this. I think the trade was necessary. Getting Goff off of the books was always going to be expensive in terms of wasted time or draft capital. I like this move, It'll open up the offense downfield more consistently in a way Goff just couldn't do regularly. That will help Akers and the running game, which is already solid. They just need to make sure they can keep Stafford on his feet and off of the injury report. I do think the loss of the first rounders is mitigated a bit by how good the Rams have generally been at finding good 2nd- and 3rd-round talent (Kupp, Akers, Fuller). I hope they can find a couple of good O-linemen there this time around. They'll need them.
  21. I think there’s a bit of that, yes. As others have mentioned, they’ve also had some bad luck and some poor decisions on the FA market as well. I think the Angels feel better rolling the dice with their own pitchers rather than invest long-term in a mid-tier guy. As for an ace, well, as Strad noted, a number of those guys had preferred destinations in mind already. The best teams draft and develop their own. The Halos have to get better at that because their track record on the one-year fillers has been bad overall.
  22. It is harder to project the health and performance of pitchers than it is for position players. In FA, position players are a safer long-term bet (some positional flexibility, the use of the DH in the AL).
  23. We have been told that this is exactly what we will be doing a couple of times per day. We go back to our building on the first. I'll only have half of my room, but we cannot have any community supplies. The laptops have all been checked out to the neediest families, which means finding a new way to do my quizzes, at least for my in-person kids. On the plus side, I did get the first dose of the vaccine yesterday and have had no ill effects so far.
  24. This was very sad to hear. He was a great ambassador for the game, and a hero to so many.
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