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Everything posted by Jeremiah

  1. With Biden's lead in NV widening, the decisions by the AP and FOX to call AZ for Biden so early give them a tough choice to make.
  2. It's why Lou has done so well during Trump's term in office.
  3. https://siepr.stanford.edu/news/dead-people-don-t-vote-study-points-extremely-rare-fraud In a working paper posted this week, a team of Stanford political scientists analyze roughly 4.5 million voter records from the state of Washington for evidence of ballot fraud involving deceased individuals. They find 14 cases where a ballot may have been stolen and submitted on behalf of someone who had died, and even these cases may not have been fraud-related. “We’re talking about 0.0003 percent of all voters over an 8-year period,” says Andrew Hall, a senior fellow at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR) who conducted the study.
  4. He had vegetarian chili with his tofu hot dog.
  5. And the lawsuit was dropped https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/politics/2020/07/01/group-drops-challenge-detroit-voter-rolls-dead-registrants-removed/5355307002/
  6. In AZ and NV as well. It's always been the case.
  7. I agree with you. I think it's an interesting thought exercise, wondering what it would be like if more candidates got off of their party's more traditional positions Harris, for example, now being for legalizing weed, whereas her legal career would indicate otherwise). Might add some actual nuance to elections if the candidates were more purple, rather than red or blue.
  8. That's an interesting question, and not an easy one to answer. Doing that would likely help Trump with the more Libertarian voters who supported Jo Jorgensen. On the other hand, as much as Trump has pandered to evangelicals and the "law and order" crowd, I have to think that bloc of voters would not be down with that. Those voters may have even gone to Biden because Harris put a lot of non-violent drug offenders in jail.
  9. Fox and the AP probably called AZ too soon. No other news outlets have called it yet. They're still counting many of their mail-in ballots.
  10. This is the latest I could find on GA.
  11. Very possible. That said, Trump needs to win the outstanding vote there by a 60-40 margin. One of the counties that needs to be counted is Pima (Tucson), which leans very blue. Even down-ballot Dems are doing well in Pima.
  12. Oh, I've heard that one my whole life.
  13. After 2016, I really don't think anything is implausible with elections.
  14. The tricky part with NV (where I live) is that mail-in ballots can be accepted up until 11/10 as long as they're postmarked by 11/3, potentially making the count take until next week.
  15. This is the latest from GA. Those percentages favor Biden on the outstanding ballots.
  16. Possible. The gap is closing. The remaining ballots to be counted came in from blue counties. Roughly 80,000 votes is a lot to make up with 90-plus percent already counted.
  17. I believe only the AP and Fox have called AZ. It may have been a bit too early, but both of those orgs felt confident enough to call them. Both GA and AZ are expected to have updated numbers around 6:00 and 9:30 Pacific.
  18. I would expect The Donald himself to simply run again in 2024, especially since this race has been very close. He won't be able accept losing. I think he'd want another term very badly, even if Republicans decide to move away from him.
  19. Well, since you brought her up, maybe they should have hired her instead of Dipoto after they interviewed her that year (They also interviewed Eppler that same offseason). Currently she's the VP of baseball operations MLB.
  20. I'm sure there's a bit of satire here, but I'm genuinely surprised that Sosh isn't getting interviews. He had a really good run here. I did find this article about him from last summer (maybe a Craig). Who knew Plashke could write something without coming off like a complete a-hole? https://www.latimes.com/sports/la-sp-mike-scioscia-angels-retirement-20190622-story.html
  21. Hinch makes more sense to me than LaRussa, especially for a more analytically-minded team. And as far as MLB is concerned, he served his time.
  22. Local CHI media seems a little confused. Not so much because Renteria deserved to stay, but that the move came out of the blue. It's also a team with a lot of upside going forward. That said, the Cubs won the WS two years after firing Renteria. So, there's that.
  23. I was going to ask if we'd need to give CHI anything to take LaRussa.
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