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Everything posted by Jeremiah

  1. Which is encouraging to read. We all know what kind of player Albert is at this point. I do think he has value, especially in the ways Maddon talked about in the story. The way he carries himself and prepares has hopefully rubbed off on his teammates, especially the younger players who are called up. There are ways he can still help. Whether we see value in that is more our problem than it is the team’s.
  2. Whoever posted the Baseball Bits episode on Jeff Mathis sent me down a bit of a rabbit hole. There’s a lot of good stuff on their channnel, including this one about Pujols’s decline, especially as it relates to declining speed because of age and injuries.
  3. Yeah, that’s a chickenshit take (“poor Jose Altuve”). Also worth nothing that he spent the bulk of his PED-fueled career with the other team being thoroughly investigated by MLB for cheating.
  4. I don’t think anyone is giving Arte a pass. I think he himself has even said he shoulders some of the blame. But he owns the team, and he’s not going to fire himself and/or all the players if it doesn’t work out. Fairly or not, the GM and the manager get the hot seat since blame must be placed For the record, I like him as a team owner for a lot of reasons. He’s made some missteps to be sure, but he’s done far more things right IMO.
  5. It doesn’t completely make sense that Assange would need to assert that Russia had nothing to do with hacking the DNC. He’s already said this very publicly. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/fact-checker/wp/2017/01/05/julian-assanges-claim-that-there-was-no-russian-involvement-in-wikileaks-emails/
  6. Not in terms of an individual player’s performance in a team sport, especially baseball, where one player has a much lesser impact on a team’s success. Trout gets 4-5 AB’s and a varying number of defensive opportunities per game. He has no control over any other part of the game.
  7. More compiling the stats than a sustained era of greatness.
  8. 100 pages. Now it can be locked and sent to the HOF.
  9. If Fletch’s story is pretty much the whole story, then for me it’s mostly F BOS and F Arte. I’m not bothered by Stripling’s tweet. I’m sure the vast majority of players would rather not be traded, even if it is only about one hour south on the freeway.
  10. To me that was the most baffling part of Arte backing out: it really made sense for both sides. As you say, I also wouldn’t be surprised if it wound up being completed.
  11. The bit about 20 potential starts for Ohtani is encouraging. I don’t think the Halos had anyone start that many last season.
  12. I took Fletch’s tweet to mean Ohtani would be pitching in the rotation by mid-May but DH-ing from the opener. I hope he doesn’t have to pitch in the PCL for a bit and we lose his bat...
  13. Until about mid-May according to the team. I like that they’re holding him back early so he can be available to pitch for a playoff push. Plus, if he’s DH-ing more, it may mean fewer AB’s for Pujols
  14. I would have thought the same thing about BOS. They have MLB’s most expensive ticket and probably a commensurate TV deal. They print money. https://mobile.twitter.com/KenTremendous/status/1224908327143952385
  15. Thank you for that. That would explain why they were “Whatever” when Arte nixed the deal.
  16. I think that was a lot of it. Even with Pederson’s arb loss, he and Stripling combine for almost $10 mil, which is about how much LAD is over the CBT right now. That would explain the reports that LAD were still willing to make the deal after completing the Betts trade.
  17. Perhaps, but so far the Angels come out of this looking pretty bad. It all sounds petty on Arte’s part right now. He made much of his money in advertising. I’m sure he’s keenly aware of the importance of public perception. I’m sure if there was a version that made the team look better, we’d have already heard it.
  18. Peterson’s plus Stripling’s contracts are pretty close to the $10 mil that LAD are over the CBT.
  19. Also, I think this is one of those non-deals we wouldn’t have ever heard about if this was, say, 20 years ago. People have an insatiable hunger for information (where’s the Short Circuit “input” gif?) that professionals who cover the sport are over reporting on things just to get it out there, so much so that they’re going to jump the gun from time to time. It’s easy to trash those guys for doing it, but we as fans are kind of demanding it.
  20. The statement doesn’t say much. The Angels are much like the Patriots in that regard. That said, it does read like it was all taking too long to complete and the team moved on, which would match much of what was reported.
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