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Everything posted by HaloMagic

  1. I applaud him. The only way the Angels were going to save any money was if they could convince the Rangers Josh was worth trading for. Josh helped them out. It's clear at this point that Arte wasn't going to allow Josh to play for the Angels again. His actions post-relapse haven't occurred in a vacuum. He's reacted to others actions.
  2. You don't want to have lunch with Tank. He always asks all kinds of stupid questions. "Why did you walk Altuve in the third?" "Are you looking for another LH power bat yet?" "Why did the season start so late?" "We're you involved in the deaths of your political rivals over the years?" It just goes on and on. He always thinks I'm someone famous. He's lost it.
  3. Is this a thing now? Watching other people play video games like it's a movie? God, I must be old.
  4. At least they only got 18 hits against us. Bitches.
  5. I think it's dumb. The same way the Rangers antlers nonsense a few years ago was dumb. But if they like it then they should do it. They just look dumb. But I doubt they care what I think.
  6. Soldier who picked up flag=thief Kids walking on the flag=not your issue Pretty simple really
  7. Cons only like the idea of a "global" outlook when it comes to killing people or getting people killed. I'm out. I'll buy your plane ticket, though.
  8. cals definitely seems like the type who eats at Sizzler.
  9. Not on my computer so I can't try this but this link would seem to imply you can download it instead of it being web-based. https://support.google.com/googleplay/answer/1229970?hl=en
  10. Impossible. I read on here that he won't hit HRs in Seattle.
  11. That sucks for st1ckboy. He finally got a girlfriend and it was a bot.
  12. Love the arguments implying that since something has a bright color it is being marketed to kids.
  13. I think there is a whole lot of middle ground between "America is the greatest force for good that the world has ever seen" and "America is evil and terrible." Interesting how the conservatives here are having one hell of a time discerning that middle ground.
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