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Everything posted by HaloMagic

  1. Are ads really that much of an inconvenience to people?
  2. Big Mope is Lil Mope's older brother.
  3. The thing they used to try to escape the contract (distancing and discrediting) is what lowered his value. Lowering his value wasn't the goal. It was irrelevant to them. They didn't think they'd still be liable for the contract. They were and everyone saw how much they didn't want him.
  4. The ADA doesn't protect current drug users. And the ACA doesn't mandate coverage of in-patient rehab facilities.
  5. The Rangers paid $7MM to get him. That's his value to them.
  6. Lowering his value didn't help them escape the contract. Their chosen method of trying to get out of the contract is what lowered his value. Talking him down and attempting to discredit him showed the Rangers just how little the Angels wanted Hamilton on their team.
  7. It obviously wasn't zero because he just got traded.
  8. You still don't get it. Not surprising. You have a history of struggling with simple concepts. The Angels didn't lower his trade value to the market. They lowered his relative value by showing how much they didn't want him. By showing everyone else that they set up the situation they ended with. The Rangers didn't need to pay more than a few million to get him because the Angels showed they would be dumping him no matter what. They tried to up his value by claiming to have some plan to have him return to the team but everyone knew that was fake. Their attempt to bump his value back up failed after the Rangers called their bluff.
  9. I don't commend Monday for taking the flag. But it aided in stopping a distraction. If it was a Led Zepplin t-shirt or a bullhorn I'd feel the same way. I'm not proud of him because he stopped a flag burning but I'm happy he assisted in stopping the distraction. As far the minding their own business, if it came out the they were for a fact would that change your mind on the stealing of their flag?
  10. And yet they chose to, lowering his "relative" value. It wasn't that he was shown to be worse or even less committed. It just showed how uncommitted the Angels were to him. They proved they had no intention of keeping him thus allowing the Rangers to realize they had to pay very little to get him. Even the obtuse such as yourself should be able to comprehend that Blarg.
  11. Did Rick Monday take the flag from people who were standing on a sidewalk minding their own business?
  12. No, but you might be. I'm not saying their intention was to tank his value. I'm saying that ended up being the result.
  13. They leaked the info of the relapse. They hoped the court of public opinion would help them. It did not.
  14. Nope. I agree with you. Much more went on behind the scenes and it was a two-way street. Hamilton was forced to react to management's actions. Does that make me a Hamilton apologist?
  15. They tanked his value themselves hoping it let them escape the contract. Their plan didn't work.
  16. The consensus was that there was more behind the scenes than what we knew. That much is still obvious. And Fletcher said he got the impression that Hamilton's absence was a decision made by management. That decision would've been made before March 9th. It seems pretty clear the relationship was already completely destroyed by that point.
  17. So you agree they have the right but you wouldn't let them exercise it in front of you? Do their rights not continue to exist when you decide you don't like something? That's a very "policeman" thing to say.
  18. It's cool. I used to get you confused with Lifetime. Glad he got the boot. Now I always know who I'm talking to.
  19. That's blaming Arte?Also, funny that you chose a thread in which I didn't blame Arte to complain about that one time you thought I did. You mentioned it happened in several threads. I imagine you're pulling them up right now. I'll wait on the air.
  20. Possibly. But from his performance since the start of his Angels career to the way he ended last year and how he transitioned into another relapse, nothing about that situation would traditionally make any team interested at almost any price.
  21. The organization said he was rehabbing still. Obviously they lied to us.
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