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NorCal Halo

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Everything posted by NorCal Halo

  1. I'm not a fan of Upton, especially if it costs a lot. If he signs cheep and we can still get Chris Davis, awesome. If Upton is it, I don't see it helping much. I think his career numbers are inflated by Arizona's ballpark. His career away numbers are lackluster.
  2. . . . but his mentoring Trout, priceless!
  3. I would like Revere only if it gets us Chris Davis.
  4. I wouldn't mind that at all. Then spend money on Chris Davis.
  5. My first thought was this was to get Freese to lower asking price.
  6. I'm not talking to you . . . and I'm leaving my wife and kids. Trade me now and pay my salary.
  7. Agreed, but Weaver has always succeeded with deception. I could see that working for the 7th inning, then turning it over to Smith and Street. The biggest issue would be does he have a rubber arm like Shields and can pitch every day. I think he might.
  8. I think Weaver has the best mentality to be that every-day competitor. I would love to see him as the new Shields.
  9. I wonder if one of Santiago, Weaver, or Wilson will go to the pen--not as a mop-up but as a regular 7th inning guy ala Scott Shields?
  10. I think Heyward would be a better 2-hole hitter than lead-off. That means we still need a lead-off hitter at 2B or 3B, which I don't see unless there is a trade. P.S. Nice work on the article.
  11. Howie could be one step closer to re-signing with Halos: link
  12. If we sign him, I hope we can attach his right arm to Trouts, thereby making Trout the greatest player to ever live.
  13. Unlike his arm action, that contract is above the belt! Good for him. I wished he could have pitched better for us.
  14. Utley signs one-year deal with Dodgers.
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