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NorCal Halo

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Everything posted by NorCal Halo

  1. Gio really does have Popeye arms. Reminds me of a 1st baseman that I won't mention.
  2. Angels' starting 2nd baseman (or utility infielder).
  3. Let's "turn the page" on day 14 and move on to Josh Rutledge.
  4. No other picture for day 17 please. I am thirsty for Ersty!
  5. It was on television. I will have to look up the game and get back to you.
  6. There was one game last week where he said "We should stop talking and just watch the action." I wish he would do that every game.
  7. I sure hope Navarro makes the team. I like how he plays.
  8. I wonder if his interview was done in a Del Taco?
  9. Except Campana is injured and out for the season.
  10. I am still rooting for Josh. I hope his shoulder heels and he has a productive year.
  11. I really hope Trout doesn't become a d*** like the #2, #4, and #6 on that list.
  12. Steve Finley and Hideki Matsui are my two simply because I expected so much from them and they produced nothing and then left, where they contributed more. Arghh!
  13. With that kind of money they should ask him to shovel snow out of the ballpark.
  14. I thought this article (Thoughts on Mike "the" Butcher) was about Trout leading the MLB in strikeouts.
  15. 52" might be tight on me (no joke) but if it is available, MVTrout, I am interested.
  16. Victor, when you family gets ready to give you your birthday cake, tell them, "Light that baby up!"
  17. My comment will not be visible until 2 hours after I write this.
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