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NorCal Halo

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Everything posted by NorCal Halo

  1. He should have traded for Lind last year and got us into the playoffs.
  2. No, because mean boys would greet her by saying, "Wha's a' B?"
  3. After thinking about it, I think you should name her Salmon.
  4. Nicely summarized, Scotty. Do you really think Escobar's defense will be better than Freese's?
  5. You can get paid $8.50 an hour to server homers at Sizzler.
  6. So should we retitle this thread as "Official Cold Pot Posts"?
  7. True, but I can't see sharing an outfield with Trout vs. Harper as a real contest. I am guessing Heyward is just an east coast guy.
  8. I now hope Trout is offering Heyward his next All Star MVP car/truck.
  9. Absolutely a red flag. Good pun. But you hope he can turn things around.
  10. Yes, because LA want him out and still needs pitching and has money to pay Wilson's salary.
  11. If Heyward is Plan A, which I like, then as Homebrew suggested, Cespedes and trade CJ for Puig would be plan B for me. Runners wouldn't try to take home and Calhoun could play good D at 1B.
  12. I would think Heyward would love playing and batting next to Trout.
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