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NorCal Halo

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Everything posted by NorCal Halo

  1. ESPN says Heyward should decide today between Cubs and Cardinals. Alden says Angels could decide to resign Murphy and platoon in LF. Arghhh and yuk!
  2. Isn't Davis the least likely since he is a Boras client?
  3. I think we are working harder than management at this point.
  4. I would be happy with Murphy and Revere to bat in front of Trout.
  5. Very interesting. He also looks like a 'tweener: not a lead-off hitter and not a power bat. The market might be just right for the Angels.
  6. But not as interested as are the White Sox. Link
  7. Well, that's another name we can scratch off the list.
  8. Didn't Eppler say on TV that his ultimate goal was to come out of the meetings with more information. I don't think you can set the bar any lower. After that statement I am not expecting much. Dipoto was much more articulate than Eppler; hopefully, Eppler's talent lies elsewhere.
  9. Giavotella's enthusiasm would make him an excellent bat boy. So too does his career numbers: .255/.299/.355 and .7 WAR.
  10. Not to be the Debbie Downer again, but Lamb's splits away from Cincy are not good at all.
  11. or Eppler coming up with an excuse to get Alden out of his hotel room so he can finish his master plan.
  12. I'm not saying he is bad; I'm saying I prefer other options.
  13. It's not the ballparks, it's Upton that is awesome at home and very poor away.
  14. He's a 'tweener: not a lead-off guy nor a power guy--both of which the Angels need. Plus he hits from the right side.
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