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Everything posted by eligrba

  1. I would rather have Suarez pitching than Cahill or Harvey, Obviously he has some things to work on and it is on the coaching staff to help him improve. I do not think just any 21 year old can pitch in the majors so he must have some upside.
  2. Fyi-Those outfield placement cards were crucial when I was playing whiffle ball.
  3. The Angels are only competing for a draft position at this point. F*ck the opener and the fear of "third time through the lineup" and let the kids pitch, let the coaches coach and hopefully someone can figure how to use a 2 strike count to the pitcher's advantage.. Just play some old school baseball for the rest of the year. I think every pitchers goal should be to learn how to get through the lineup three times because it opens up more opportunities and expands their repertoire. F*ck the stats......the remaining part of the season should focus on the young pitchers learning how to be successful at the major league level.
  4. But wouldn't the Cubs still need a catcher?
  5. Thanks for the redirect, @Chuckster70 Glad everything is going well for your grandson. Shouldn't he be wearing some Angels swag?
  6. I agree that they have put a winning product on the field but at a pretty high payroll, because of their revenue stream. I don't think the Yankee comparison is a fair comparison because of the different economic realities. I am more frustrated that the majority of free agents that the Angels have signed have been horrific, not just bad but horrifically bad. Some of them have been so bad that they are no longer playing. I think that is the one area for Eppler the show the greatest growth. He needs to be better at free agent signings. They all do not need to be great, but at least major league average. If the only measurement for Eppler's job was free agent signings, he should be fired. In other GM areas I think he has done well enough to earn him some time to improve his free agent signing record.
  7. The Angels need that guy from Baltimore who earned the save by shutting down the Angels in that 16 inning affair.
  8. For four years (2013-2016) the Yankees finished the season with mediocre records despite having a payroll of over 200 million dollars. The depth enjoyed today by the Yankees goes back to these lean years when they were rebuilding their farm. Add in some very favorable trades (i.e. Stanton) and some luck, and you have a team that can withstand injuries.
  9. Based on the series of freaky injuries in the past few days, it seems like a team plane ride would not be a good idea.
  10. Eppler has made some mistakes, without question. His free agent signings need to improve. He has done well on trades, finding talent on the waiver wire and convincing Trout and Ohtani that the future is bright. Eppler's mistakes seem to have only impacted the immediate and not the long term results. He should be on the hot seat, but who knew that Harvey, Cahill, Allen, Lucroy collectively would be as bad as they were in 2019.
  11. Can someone explain how they simulate the walks and the resulting homeruns?
  12. I think they have already started.
  13. Canning's injury is the most concerning. I am hoping for the best but it sounds like something all too familiar.
  14. Shouldn't you be criticizing Trout for wanting to stay?
  15. I guess the goal of having pitchers with some durability was not met. I can't wait to see what happens next.
  16. You can still have fun with the chick.....so not really.
  17. I think this answers the "Why did the Angels trade for Max Stassi?" question. I am relieved I will no longer need to watch Lucroy misplaying a catch-able pitch.
  18. This is what happens when the talent at the major league talent is not horrible allowing the farm to become backlogged and pruned via trades. The Angels are a few years away before this happens.
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