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Everything posted by eligrba

  1. I would like to discuss this in greater detail.
  2. How about signing three pitchers who will be better in the 1-3 spots than Heaney?
  3. Seriously, Why do you still watch the Angels? This can't be good for your health. I'm not trying to be a smart ass...I have the same frustrations.
  4. I would like to try this "attendance" concept for my work.
  5. The Angels need him to start throwing off a mound and doing bullpen sessions.
  6. I think Arte does hit the 200 million level but not this year. I have a hard time believing that he won't hit 200M with Ohtani, Trout, and possibly an emerging Adell on the books.
  7. I’m saying that he may be more interested in playing for the Angels as they enter their window of opportunity than maximizing his potential earnings. He would be foolish not to listen to other offers, but in the end he will be expensive and the Angels will need to pay. I think the past few years of pitching problems only adds to the reality that the Angels need to pay.
  8. I am using Weaver as my reference. He signed a contract with the Angels that was very un-borass.
  9. I suspect that Cole will not play the waiting game if the Angels make a competitive offer.
  10. He has outperformed the great Mookie Betts when comparing their first two seasons.
  11. Sounds like the jury has reached a verdict.
  12. Kole is signed but at a lower salary. Thaiss or La Stella is traded for another need. Cole becomes an Angel. Pujols plays another year. Simba is extended. Bullpen is revamped, again. Garcia and Cole are gone. New arms are picked up from the scrap heap for a run at 2020. Canning, well I think we all know what the future holds..... Barria, Suarez and Sandoval return to the rotation with much improved numbers. Ausmus finds new ways to grasp defeat from the jaws of victory because he has the stats to support it
  13. I interpreted Middleton's tweet as disagreeing with the original tweet which tweeted an unsubstantiated claim which is not uncommon in today's tweets or by tweeters of questionable tweet-integrity.
  14. Does this officially mean the Angels are out of it for 2019?
  15. One possible explanation for the slump might be related to pants. Were you wearing any during his last 13 at bats?
  16. I listened to Jim Palmer talk about the lack of mechanics he sees in today’s pitchers. I got the impression that it is not just an Angels problem.
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