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Everything posted by Rico

  1. What about the mistreatment of women if forced against their will to go through with an unwanted pregnancy. An event that will forever change her physically as well.
  2. How do pro-lifers go about forcing women to continue pregnancies they don't want?
  3. Not by enough, sadly. We'd have to ban cars too.
  4. Bush did well with Hispanics, as did Reagan. The guys that didn't do well with Hispanics didn't win.
  5. New York has some of the stricter gun laws in the country and has seen their murder and crime rates drop drastically. http://www.neighborhoodscout.com/top-lists/highest-murder-rate-cities/ http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2015/07/01/new-york-city-crime-down/ Of course what works for New York doesn't necessarily mean it would work in other parts of the country, but there are things at the federal level that we can do that don't entail, "taking all yur gunz."
  6. When those that have less have greater spending power our economy does best. Money doesn't trickle down, it trickles up.
  7. I still don't understand why Elizabeth Warren doesn't run.
  8. I hope he runs simply because I think he'll take more votes from Clinton than Sanders.
  9. Trump leads in "Definitely would not support" polls. It would be interesting to see where the support goes once candidates start dropping out.
  10. I'm pretty sure he calls himself that.
  11. Just like season 2 it is hard to keep up with all these names.
  12. Everyone rejoice! It is finally over.
  13. I use twitter similar to how nate does. I don't post anything, but I follow a bunch of sports writers. Also a few celebrities that I like, Patton Oswalt, Anna Kendrick, Chuck Richter, Anthony Bourdain, etc. etc.
  14. That guy could raise his arms. Hail Cobra!
  15. I feel like Stoneman is working off scouting reports from the last time he was GM.
  16. He looks like this actor, Cameron Rhodes. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0722397/?ref_=tt_cl_t5 The only reason I made the connection because of a serial killer role I saw him in recently.
  17. Did the kool aid drinking base pick Romney or McCain for the Republicans?
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