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Everything posted by Rico

  1. It is very early in the process but I like what I hear from Elizabeth Warren.
  2. I'll second this. Also recently I re-watched King of Kong, still great.
  3. He was against it before he was for it!
  4. Jimmy Carter simply because he seems kinda lonely and feel sorry that people would rather have a beer with already dead guys over him.
  5. I've never seen Pastors/Priests drive around in beat up cars.
  6. I vaguely remember once Luis Polonia going from home to second base on a ball 4 wild pitch. Dude was fast.
  7. My movie watching for last month. The Raid: Redemption - One of the better action movies I've seen in a while. 9/10 The Raid 2 - Bigger than the first one in every way, but that doesn't mean better. Still some great action sequences. 7/10 Mother - Korean flick. It leaves a lasting impression. 8/10 Birth of a Nation - It almost works as satire, but then it is not. So I guess the joke is on the filmmaker. I can't even rate this. Force Majeure - I'm not sure who thought watching a couples marriage fall apart was entertainment, but it is not. 4/10 Predestination - laughably bad. 2/10 Chef - It has food porn, a road trip, some father-son bonding, a great soundtrack, plus it tickled my funny bone. 8.5/10 Whiplash - JK Simmons character is sort of a cross of Antonio Salieri and the drill instructor from Full Metal Jacket. 8/10
  8. Did Thomas Jefferson use a personal e-mail account?
  9. You understand that this tar sands oil has proven to be more corrosive than regular oil and prone to leakage, right?
  10. Not only is it a toxic process just to remove the oil from the sand, but also transporting the oil through pipes requires a mixture of chemical diluents. What is in this mixture nobody knows because TransCanada refuses to give any details. What we do know is the original pipe leaked 12 times in its first year.
  11. 2.95 million jobs were created in 2014 with unemployment currently at 5.7. Historically, job creation has been better under Democrats than Republicans. With the exception being Reagan's second term. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jobs_created_during_U.S._presidential_terms
  12. Problem is this doesn't really help us be independent of those countries. This is a private companies oil that will go into the global market once it hits the gulf. On top of that this private company currently keeps its reserves in the Midwest, and this helps keep prices down in that region. But if a pipeline is built those reserves will be drained and exported as well. It will actually increase prices here in the US.
  13. I've seen it white and gold and then later the same picture blue and black.
  14. I get the feeling that it is only a matter of time before this dude does some other shit and gets himself locked up for good.
  15. If humanity isn't around who's going to write the history book? Crab people?
  16. For the record I sometimes wouldn't mind bombing Texas, but that is a whole other thread.
  17. The middle east has been a shit-hole for thousands of years, so I can hardly blame Bush or Obama for what is going on over there. They do it mostly to themselves.
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