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Everything posted by Rico

  1. I asked this question before, you may have not noticed it. But do conservatives not fear overpopulation?
  2. It is probably because of all that gay porn they are watching.
  3. I've been meaning to comment on this, it is just that being a small minded liberal I haven't been able to put my thoughts into words. Lets set aside that kids would probably rather be adopted by a gay couple than be in the system. Also that conservative states have the worst divorce rates in the nation (Nevada the only swing state.) Forget that, I want to focus on this idea of more children = a happier nation. I see it with the Duggars, these families poping out babies left and right. I know many Roman Catholics have big families as well. Do conservatives not fear overpopulation? Because I do. I say this sometimes half joking, but I feel it could actually be very possible that there will be water wars in our lifetime. Well, maybe not for some of the older cats on this board... but you get the idea.
  4. I think this is one of those times it is best I keep it to myself.
  5. Do you really want to bring the bible into this discussion? Because if I started quoting the bible you'd probably not like the passages I would pick.
  6. Around the world the #1 determining factor on what religion a person identifies with is location. If you are born in India it is highly likely you practice Hinduism. Same if you are born in a Muslim country you will probably be Muslim. So if you are born in the United states and you have family that is Christian, and your friends are Christian, and the girls/boys you date are Christian, and you take winter off for Christmas vacation, and one day you say to yourself I'm Christian. Don't be surprised by that because it was actually pre-determined before you ever had a free thought.
  7. Not only that, but marriage pre-dates all the major currently practiced religions. Marriage isn't about God, it is about society.
  8. Marriage is a commitment to one person. If you can't commit to one person than don't get married, it is not for you.
  9. What? I don't understand what you are trying to say here.
  10. Well there have already been a bunch of tv shows. My problem with polygamy is it always feels these women (sometimes girls) are being coerced into these marriages. It is never two men wanting to marry one woman is it? If it is coerced then it is not consenting is it. You still haven't changed my mind.
  11. I haven't seen a convincing argument for more than 2. If you would like to argue in defense of polygamy then go ahead and make your case. Change my mind.
  12. As pointed out, judges don't make laws. States, for the most part, do govern themselves. The court is there for checks and and balances because sometimes the majority isn't always right. So yeah, I've never questioned the worthiness of having the supreme court.
  13. Are you seriously questioning the merits of the supreme court?
  14. Marriage as an institution has been around since before the Egyptians built the pyramids. There is also historical evidence of gay marriage back then. Marriage doesn't necessarily have to be a religious thing since two atheists could wish to marry. My definition of marriage is two consenting adults coming together and telling their friends, family, the world they are bound together for the foreseeable future.
  15. WTF is pro-science? And why do you act like that is a bad thing?
  16. Most of us probably wouldn't be fired for such comments. I think the problem here is he's too high profile to be making these comments in public. He is a victim of his own success. I can fully understand an employer not wanted to be associated further with an employee that makes remarks like this in such a public way. Especially if that employer is a University. In the end though I think everything will blow over and he will bounce back. He is still a freaking Knight.
  17. Who was that big dude that picked up Cersei?
  18. Azor Ahai must be resurrected for the prophecy to come true.
  19. He is getting love simply because he is the only alternative to Clinton at the moment. Many Dems want nothing to do with her. If someone viable like Warren would run then Bernie will once again be an afterthought.
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