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Everything posted by Rico

  1. The only thing I remember from Rick Perry's two presidential runs was that he had a ranch called "Niggerhead"
  2. Well then thankfully as a first world country we get plenty of immigration (legal and otherwise) to off-set any of your under population concerns.
  3. Does it matter? We mock her for her cheating, but that is not the reason we don't like her.
  4. I think we can forgive cheating on a spouse. (Bill Clinton) I think it is more about those portraying themselves as "Family Values" but then it turns out they were cheating on their spouse the entire time. It's the hypocrisy of it all.
  5. I don't think there has been anyone this year more on the wrong side of history than Huckabee. First supporting the sister fiddler and now this.
  6. You make it sound like wanting equal rights for LGBT is somehow making straight kids gay. You don't see how dumb that is?
  7. On the original topic. I'm generally for LGBT rights, but in this case if the girls are uncomfortable with her using the locker room then the school needs to respect their wishes. They have rights too.
  8. Sorry, what I was asking is what do you think of Ben Carson as a candidate? Is he the anti-Trump?
  9. The "I brought you into this world, I can take you out" defense.
  10. I'm actually willing to admit that life begins at conception. However just because it is life, doesn't mean it is a person yet or has this thing we call a soul. I can't say exactly when it becomes a person, but in the early stages I just see it as an extension of the women's body, similar to a tumor, and she should be able to do what she wants with her own body. Of course not only am I pro-choice, but I'm actually pro-abortion. I'm one of the few here willing to admit it. Overpopulation is a major concern of mine. Has anyone stopped to think what would happen if all these unwanted pregnancies actually became people? You think suddenly we'd be in this great utopia? We would have a lot more low-income single mothers, This would lead to food shortages, water shortages, higher unemployment, higher crime. We're not ready for a world without abortions. For this same reason I'm pro-capital punishment.
  11. It is easy for us men to say this when we don't ever have to do "the time".
  12. I'm sure there are, yet that passage is in the bible. Traditionally Christians have believed ensoulment happened upon first breath, its thus when the baby became a person. It has only been a modern trend to say ensoulment happens upon conception. We celebrate our birthdays after all, right? We don't celebrate our conception, 4 months, or 3rd trimester. No, we celebrate the day we came into this great big beautiful world that god created for us and we took our first breath.
  13. Genesis 2:7 "Then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul." Technically the bible makes it sound like a fetus/baby isn't a being or have a soul until it takes its first breath.
  14. In Texas we have babies born that people want to deport. Hell, Trump is championing this very issue. Why should a fetus that can't live on its own outside its mother have constitution protection, but not an actual baby born in this country?
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