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Everything posted by Rico

  1. Not sure if it was even discussed... but remember when the Republicans deleted 22 million e-mails? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bush_White_House_email_controversy
  2. https://www.yahoo.com/politics/carly-fiorina-defends-bush-era-torture-and-spying-130015256041.html She is all for waterboarding apparently. “I believe that all of the evidence is very clear — that waterboarding was used in a very small handful of cases [and] was supervised by medical personnel in every one of those cases,” Fiorina told Yahoo News. “And I also believe that waterboarding was used when there was no other way to get information that was necessary.” later on... "she made regular trips to CIA headquarters in Langley, Va., including overseeing one specific project requested by Hayden: Provide advice on how the CIA could maintain its undercover espionage mission in a culture of increasing government leaks and demands for greater public accountability and openness."
  3. we are not fighting another military. Drones do most of the heavy lifting. We can cut military spending and still be the top military power in the world.
  4. do you really think a wall is going to keep anyone out?
  5. I'm not against construction jobs, but we should probably fix our bridges before we build a wall.
  6. Lower income workers are more likely to spend that extra income right back into the economy.
  7. Like building the Great Wall of Trump on the border of Mexico.
  8. Here is a pro-life article that gives a little more info. http://thefederalist.com/2015/09/18/whos-really-lying-about-the-planned-parenthood-videos-carly-fiorina-or-the-factcheckers/ It seems nobody can say for sure if it is a premature birth, a miscarriage, or a failed abortion. What we can gather is that it seems to be a 19-week fetus/baby. So what does the video actually add to the conversation? 88% of abortions are done before week 12. Many pro-choice people are against late term abortions unless special circumstances. The video itself is inconclusive of what it is actually going on in it.
  9. 12 foot tall and two foot deep wall ain't keeping anyone out. You forget Mexicans are expert at building tunnels.
  10. I've seen the video Fiorino was talking about. I saw it over a year ago. It had nothing to do with planned parenthood and I don't believe it was actually an aborted baby.
  11. The difference is the Dems would be saying it ironically.
  12. The Brilliant picture in the back really makes this work.
  13. Aside from the islamophobia, what irks me is how a school could be so anti-science. They should be applauding the kid for his ingenuity.
  14. Well I see illegal immigration as a boon to your economy. Cheap labor helps keep prices of goods down, plus they actually do pay into taxes/social security. On top of that they make all those babies you like so much. I don't see a whole lot of benefit to building a wall. I do agree throwing money blindly at education isn't the answer. Also, even though I'm a lefty, I don't feel just anyone should be granted higher education just because they want it. (I joined the military to earn my higher education) I do feel there should be some middle ground, where someone can earn a higher education and serve their country without it necessarily being military service. Bernie's going to have to compromise with a Republican congress, that is what I'm getting at.
  15. Both parties spend though. It is just that one spends on infrastructure/education while the other spends on wars and a wall on the mexican border. Bernie's not going to get most of his stuff through anyway with a Republican house + senate.
  16. Sounds like someone is trying to compensate for something. Juan Savage sounds like one of those anti-gay Republicans that turned out to be really gay.
  17. I don't know what your trying to prove here but I'll throw my two cents anyway. 1. Rather than 500 women and 500 men, your probably better off with a 2:1 or even 3:1 female to male ratio. 2. Since when has MT not wanted to be a bigot? (Bad joke, I know)
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