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Everything posted by Taylor

  1. I like how CA and NY get cute nicknames while Texas, which is basically a third world country right now, and Florida, which is Florida, don't get nicknames.
  2. None of these players wanted to win. https://edge.twinspires.com/mlb/the-best-players-to-never-win-a-world-series/
  3. I'm thinking of ignoring cals for like a week, just for the lulz. No offense, cals.
  4. I'm disappointed. I expected this to be a thread about the best places to sit at Spring Training to be in the shade. Fun fact: "Shade" is a term that started in the LGBTQ community.
  5. Congratulations on one of the worst takes in the history of AngelsWin.
  6. I disagree. It seems like you just can't let Trump go.
  7. We're all Angel fans. None of us are experts at moving on.
  8. Crazy how Trump lost to Obama's puppet.
  9. Says the guy who has more posts in this thread than anyone else.
  10. Your anecdotal evidence is very compelling. Thanks for sharing.
  11. Oh wait, I remember now. @NorCal Halo is going to kick @cals ass.
  12. I don't get it, but I gave you a like anyway.
  13. This is a really great thread. Thanks for sharing your experience, tdawg, failos, Chuck, and others. I've never dealt with depression, but I do have anxiety and take medication for it. I also see a counselor regularly. My wife has battled depression her entire life and also goes to counseling. There's no shame in seeking help, clinical or medical. There's a weird stigma around antidepressants, but many people have depression, anxiety, or another mental illness due to a physiological chemical imbalance in their brain. A diabetic wouldn't be shamed for taking insulin shots to restore their body's chemical balance, so medication for someone's brain should be viewed the same way.
  14. It's made with this. We'll save you a slice.
  15. I thought riverlake was a bot, since he bumped a random old thread with a strange response. But now I'm not so sure.
  16. A local boy punched me in the face last week. I just looked at him, and tuuurned the other cheek.
  17. AP Style now captalizes Black and White. Blame the media.
  18. Looks like AT&T TV will be the only streaming service that has FSW.
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