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Everything posted by Taylor

  1. Lol @ the comments on the NYT article. So-called progressives playing mental gymnastics to defend their guy.
  2. And I bet the MSM won't even mention this! Seriously though, time for Cuomo to go.
  3. In before @cals ascribes an AW member to each of these poly daddies.
  4. Some latchkey neighborhood kids would put sharp rocks on those speed bumps to mess with people's tires. I, the rule follower that I was, wiped the dust off my feet and went home.
  5. Still, the damage was done. If you'd given him a high five at CPK he'd have 3 MVPs and 5 Silver Sluggers as an Angel.
  6. My rich Dove Canyon parents tipped the Ballpark Pizza delivery drivers pretty well. I think.
  7. I feel ya, man. I've struggled with social anxiety since my teens.
  8. He was also on Survivor, but he wasn't voted out first. He was voted out third, second in his tribe.
  9. Being treated like humans instead of animals is a reward?
  10. Wasn't somebody here defending the Proud Boys a few months ago?
  11. Is this the photo you use when tweeting from your pro-Trump Black man Twitter?
  12. Should children be punished for the actions of their parents?
  13. Biden to allow migrant families separated under Trump to reunite in the U.S. https://www.politico.com/news/2021/03/01/biden-reunite-separated-families-border-471940
  14. Trout is back! Pujols in his first potential GIDP situation of 2021.
  15. This is a fun thread. Why is it in the political forum?
  16. It sounds like they're speaking through an industrial fan.
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