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Everything posted by Taylor

  1. I thought about that as I was making my post. I've always said "Angel fan," but it doesn't make any sense. We're fans of the whole team, not just one player. But I've been saying it that way my whole life that "Angels fans" sounds goofy in my head. "Cubs fan," which I haven't said very often in my life, rolls of the tongue (and keyboard) easier.
  2. Is that the same officer who had a stroke?
  3. He raised gas prices and derailed our stellar new relationship with NK.
  4. It doesn't matter if it's true or not, because MSM.
  5. It's the only non-American one. Edge: The f'ing U.S. of A.
  6. I thought a previous U.S. leader brokered peace with the North Koreans.
  7. Jay seems kind of confused today. He must have gotten the AstraZeneca vaccine.
  8. Don't know enough to have an opinion.
  9. What about his call with Raffensbeger, which you can listen to the recording of, where he told him to "find the votes"?
  10. He's been succeeding at both this spring.
  11. C'mon, man. I served your own joke right to you.
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