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Everything posted by Taylor

  1. I had completely forgotten about Glausistheman, but "paboooomba!" brought me back. I too would create fake and troll accounts back then, impersonating Justin, Lee, and others.
  2. No wonder st1ck's stint in NYC was so short-lived.
  3. TIL Chuck paid for Brian to go on vacation in 2006, vacating his moderator post and resulting in troll overflow on ESPN so that everyone would feel compelled to go to AngelsWin.
  4. Next you'll be saying that racism ended in the 60s and that you're looking for Mexicans to represent on workplace comp cases. It's called the cals slippery slope.
  5. You saw it on AngelsWin, which is technically social media. Edge: TaylorBot
  6. Wasn't it recently determined that all of us are Chuck-generated bots, except for one unsuspecting person (most likely Stradling or AO) who is basically talking with themselves all day long?
  7. Halo Haven, not to be confused with Halos Heaven, run by "The Rev" who is a total dbag.
  8. I remember way back in the day (this may have been during the Halo Haven days ... anyone remember Fozzy?), there was a perpetual battle between the Failos and the Polyanna Patrol.
  9. They were good Americans exercising their 2nd amendment right to stand their ground.
  10. A statement from my lawyer: Taylor did not buy beer for that child.
  11. What about the douchebags who bought all the toilet paper and hand sanitizer at the beginning of COVID and then resold it for obscene amounts?
  12. Taking advantage of situations to make a profit on something that is a public need is neutral business? I'd say it's price gouging.
  13. You might have to change your username.
  14. Just like Obama gets credit for the Recession and Trump for the COVIDcession, Biden's legacy is the pandemic ending during his presidency.
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