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Everything posted by Taylor

  1. That explains why you're always watching Steel Magnolias.
  2. You do realize that in states like Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, the Democrats wanted to set up processes where mail-in votes were counted sooner, but Republicans sued them to ensure the votes would be counted last, right? In states like Colorado and Washington, which have had universal mail-in voting for years, there were zero issues.
  3. Biden voters are muzzled dogs, and Biden is taunting them with the "things will be back to normal by July 4" bone.
  4. What are your thoughts on Rudy Giuliani and the My Pillow guy? And sounds like Trump should have appointed harder.
  5. The Trump appointed judges just need a different perspective.
  6. Agreed. We should start with the military budget.
  7. Even Chuck has given up the voter fraud nonsense. You stand alone.
  8. The Angels heard @Stradling was coming and wanted to give him an exciting game to watch for his bday.
  9. One of Larry's favorite IPAs is sold there:
  10. Happy birthday, Strad! I had In-N-Out for dinner last night in your honor.
  11. I'm feeling great today. I haven't been vaccinated yet, but I thought you all should know.
  12. Did you tell them they're going to turn into zombies?
  13. In my college Intro to Journalism class, I did a presentation on who vs. whom and used this clip. That was 13 years ago. I'm so old.
  14. I just explained it. It should be consistent, but "Angels fans" and "Cub fans" both sound weird in my head.
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