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Posts posted by REDneck

  1. It's a cultural organizational problem!

    At this point it doesn't matter who the manager is.

    Unless u get a personality who introduces a different way of playing baseball that permeates the organization as a whole.

    Yeah, someone like Sosh!

    Hate if u need to, but this organization had it's best years with Mike Scioscia at the helm.





  2. 19 minutes ago, Jeff Fletcher said:

    That is how it works. 

    Phillips is getting paid $1.2m wherever he is, but Stefanic gets paid 730 in the majors and probably 120ish in AAA. 

    if you take about 1/7 of all that, that’s the savings. 

    This sounds like an accountant is calling the shots at this point instead of Minasian.

    Probably not far from the truth and understandable.

  3. 1 hour ago, cals said:

    Can you give us a comparison so we know how gay?  Like two guys hugging gay or @Taylor gay?

    Angel organization gay!

    So pretty f#cking gay!

    And please for God sake refrain from posting the GIF with the two vato's sharing a bubble bath.

    I know someone wants to do it and it's sincerely disturbing to me on so many levels.

  4. True story of an Angel fake friend.

    Back in the early 90s Dante Bichette was somewhat of a family friend and my then girlfriend and I were going to a lot of games at the Big A.

    I'm still not sure how it transpired but it must of been when I got up to piss or grab a dog...Bichette got a message to my GF in the stands.

    They started dating and I assume screwing. She was a hot filipina girl and her last name was SLUTka.

    True story bro's!

  5. 26 minutes ago, Dtwncbad said:

    What is so hard to understand?  There was a schedule conflict and they will use photoshop, which will take somebody like 2 minutes to do.

    I would bet a huge amount of money this has happened many times with many teams.

    But people addicted to drama create a narrative.


    The Angels have had a scheduling conflict all year. They keep scheduling teams that are better than them and then they don't show up to play.

  6. 5 hours ago, gurn67 said:

    I agree with you. However, I think they're going to try to get to .500 even though it's completely meaningless. 7 consecutive losing seasons, or 8. What difference does it make? it's one thing if you're losing while you are trying to rebuild. This team has lost trying to win. That's a downright embarrassing performance from everyone from the ownership, management, coaching, scouting and players.

    Since Arte chose Scioscia over Dipoto in the power struggle in 2015, the Angels have 7, going on 8 consecutive losing seasons. I know I was one of the few on here at that time that felt that Dipoto might have been kind of an ass, but he was good at his job and should have been the one to stay. Scioscia was a nice guy, but he was being out-managed by the new technological tools being utilized by other organizations. It was Seattle's gain, and the Angels' loss. 

    This is a fart in church dude...I don't disagree except for the Scioscia and Dipoto parts!

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